Thursday, November 10, 2016

The 2016 US Election -- My Thoughts

  All the latest "buzz" has been about The 2016 US Election. I think that this election has probably been the most popular election in the United States. As many people already know, Republican nominee, Donald J Trump has won the presidency. Obviously many people are happy about that, as well as many others being very irritated by it. I personally think that this election was very...silly. Not in a rude way, but I am very surprised with all the recent news that has been out about the things that Donald Trump has done, 288 people still voted for him. I really thought that majority of American citizens didn't like Donald Trump, but due to the amount of votes that Trump received, it surprisingly says otherwise. As for Democratic nominee, Hillary R Clinton, although news has been out about the things that she has done as well, I do not thing that it compares to Donald Trump's actions.

  When this election process first began, I was not very interested in it. As the internet produced more and more information about it, I then slowly began to get more interested in it. Related to what I had stated above, news has recently come out about what the 2 nominees had so supposedly done. I think that citizens of the opposite parties would try to blame the nominee from the opposite party about what they had done so that they would have a less likely chance to get elected. Due to the results of the election, I think that it really depends on how the new president impacts America. I personally am a little bit disappointed on the winner of this election, but I am hoping that Donald Trump does make a way to, as his motto states, "Make America Great Again".

1 comment:

  1. Heyyy idara i love your blog especially the ending. The format of your blog is also amazing :) 🍩🍕😝😝🎆🎆🎂🎉🍭🍭🍰🍦🍚
