Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Milk Has Expired!!!

Hi Guys,
Today I will be addressing the new president, Donald Trump. I think President Trump won the election fair and square. I honestly don't like either of them, but Trump can things done. I'm not sure why America (Electoral College Votes) picked him, but he obviously did something right, because he won. I am pretty sure that almost nothing will change. Everybody is saying that Trump will bomb everyone and he'll kill us all, but that's not actually true. Trump does NOT have absolute power, or all the power in the government. The Senate can veto, or decline any of Donald Trump's decisions or bills. Yes, Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote, but still, Donald Trump is the next U.S president.
What do you like or dislike about the next U.S president?
Image result for expired milk election memes

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