Thursday, November 10, 2016

Who is the prisedent

Who is the president
Hi my name is Awad and i am going to tell about the debate.Honestly i never though that Donald Thrump would win and if i where to vote i would vote to her its not that i like her its just that she want to help people.Coming into the presidential debate, I thought that if Hillary Clinton won decisively, she would virtually lock up the election. Coming out, it was clear that she did win decisively but I suspect that the campaign will remain ferociously close.By all traditional standards of debate, Mrs. Clinton crushed. She carefully marshaled her arguments and facts and then sent them into battle with a smile. She rolled out a long list of indictments against Donald Trump, often damaging. By contrast, he came in unprepared, had nothing fresh to say, and increasingly gave way to rants. As the evening ended, the media buried him in criticisms.

1 comment:

  1. Awad, please do not simply copy and paste someone else's words.
