Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Donald Trump is President; America is Doomed

I was never a Donald Trump fan, but his behavior that has been discovered throughout the last month and a half is unacceptable, as well as impossible to ignore. He has successfully insulted over 70% of the country, excluding rich, white, Trump-supporting males.  The amount of people that are actually supporting him, (and supported him enough to get him into the highest point in office despite having no experience whatsoever,) is extremely appalling. Now, I'm not saying he didn't do anything right in his life, he did. He did work hard to become president, but in doing so has almost destroyed America as we know it. He has made terrible decrees, and also did some things I will not speak of that, if anyone else, probably would have had them thrown in prison. In my opinion, it is completely ridiculous he has become the next president, and I firmly believe that his presidency might mean the break of alliances, maybe even wars. Sorry, Trump, but our founding fathers built a country; all you can do is build a wall.Image result for trump memes


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  2. WOW Beth that was amazing i especially love your ending the way it was worded was really funny and smart, also i would have to agree with you on this, trump did work hard to become president but with no experience i don't really think he should be in office either.His behavior does say a lot about his character and it seems to me that he can only build a wall.

  3. I agree with you Beth. Luckily, the president can't do whatever he wants. His ideas, if he ever gets around to actually putting them into action, they will have to go through the Legislative and Judicial Branches of government. I don't know why he got elected, because like you said, he offended a majrity of the population. Do you think the outcome of he election would have been different if the emails Hillary sent on the private email server hadn't been discovered?
