Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Blog Episode II: Where Do We Go From Here?

We all woke up this morning (or stayed up really late last night) to find out who our next president was going to be. This presidential race was about many things, but it was clearly between two candidates with very different visions for the direction America should take. Voters went to the polls and cast their ballots; a winner was chosen following the rules of our democratic system. On inauguration day our government will once again experience a smooth transition of power, and America will go on.

What are your thoughts on this day? Were you/are you interested in this process? What do you think of America's choice? Why do you think Americans made this choice? How do you think your life/your families lives will be better or worse for this?

Following the rules of the blog (below), let us know what you are thinking today, the day after election day in the United States.

Must have a catchy, relevant title. (This post’s title is Blogging 101: A Starter Course)
Must be 75+ words in length.
Must be free of any spelling errors. (Word choice errors are not spelling errors. For example; there/their/they’re, choose/chose, loose/lose, to/too/two, etc…)
Must end with an interesting exit strategy. (A question or challenge to the reader)

Must be 50+ words in length.
Must follow the same spelling guidelines as posts.
Must address something specific the writer has said.
Must also end with an intriguing question for the writer.

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