Thursday, November 10, 2016

Trump Really?

I think that things are going to be different having Donald Trump as a president than having Barack Obama. I was kinda interested but also at the same time I was really scared to see who was going to win. I’m not really happy that Donald Trump was elected president, because he may change the rules and also he is very sextice to woman. I think that many people voted for Trump after they saw what happened with Hillary. I think that things may be worse for my family because my mom was really hoping for Hillary to win and now if he changes the rules for woman than my mom will be very very mad. If you could vote who would you vote for??  

1 comment:

  1. Same, I was really disappointed when I heard that America chose Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. I didn't think he would win and I was shocked. He doesn't respect women so I don't know how exactly why lots of people voted for him.
