Thursday, November 10, 2016

Are you surprised too? //Election2k16//

     The 2016 election has left much of the nation in shock. My thoughts on the day of the election were anxious, excited ,and concerned. I am very interested in the process in which is complicated and has much to learn. I have been following the entire campaign between both candidates for awhile now.
Trump is highly qualified in the business aspect ,but not politics at all. Trump is highly sextist, and racist (which is has been seen and heard by millions of Americans). Clinton has a much different view on how America should be run. Hilary is extremely qualified in politics served as the secratary of state for five years, so we have two very different people who want to run the country. To lots of people, this was black or white , not to me. I do disagree with America's choice ,but we must have an open mind for Donald. I think America made this choice because they wanted a candidate who was straight forward , bold , and wanted things to be very changed. The biggest issue that I have with Trump is the statements Trump made about deporting illegal immigrants in our country. I know people who are new to america/ immigrants ,and there are so kind.They do definitely not deserve to be deported. I am not sure how this will affect my family ,but we will see how the next couple of years will play out. I am hopeful that America will stick together ,and give Trump a chance to lead. I am honestly feeling excited to see if Trump will act more sophisticated in office and if his immigration poicies will become less strict.I really do hope that recent immigrants do not feel scared because of Trump's statements. They do belong in America and need to know that. America is based on immigration.  For all American citizens who are not happy with the outcomes ,if we all stick together as a country we can put trust in each other not just Trump. Come on America we got this!! Do you think America can do this?

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