Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Balancing my business at 15...
15 year old Noa Mintz decided that babysing was her thing. So she started off babysitting her moms friends kids and she was getting 300,000 dollars per year just babysitting her moms friends children. So the word started going around that she was babysitting. She was getting a lot more calls for her babysitting services. Noa is still in school so it was getting harder for her to balance time for school and her friends and babysitting. So she thought an thought and at the age of 15 she had built a buisness and she has 150 nannies working for her now she can still have time to be a teenager Noa is amazing and she had a goal set so high for being as young as she is and actaully succeding that goal is even more amazing.Do you ever think you could set a goal as high as Noa did and suceed that goal?
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Remmi Smith Teen Chef
Remmi Smith is a 16 year old famous chef. Remmi was one of four kids adopted from China. She started out as a 4 year cook, in training. She started to help her mother in the kitchen. At first she just helped washing fruits and vegetables. By the time she was seven she could cook full meals. She always loved food, cooking it, eating it, and serving it.
She has two cooking shows,”Cook Time with Remmi,” and “The Culinary Kid.” Remmi also has a cookbook. It’s called, “Global Cooking for Kids.” “She’s gone after her dream. And she’s not waiting until she’s 21. She’s going after it right now,” , said her mother, Nancy Smith.
Now she wants to help kids all around the world to eat healthy and nutritious food!
Can you eat healthy for the next month?
Can you eat healthy for the next month?
Chase Reeds sneaker pawn.
Chase Reeds Sneaker Pawn
There was a 16 year old kid named Chase reed who was from harlem, new york. Who was just starting his junior year. Most boys at this age plays on there a lot and plays games bot not Chase reed who wanted to make some big cash. Chase reeds dad and mother were divorced when he was 14 years old. So every week his dad spent 400$ of sneakers on chase and chase and a 200 pair of shoes collection. One day his dad asked him do you wanna open a sneaker store and sell some of your shoes at first chase did not know what to do because at the age of 14 most boys were addicted to shoes they wanted everyone that came out and chase reed had every shoes that came out. But then after thinking a while then it clicked to his mind he was like if i sell shoes i could buy more and have a lot of money so he then opened up a sneaker it was called sneaker pawn. Chase is now a top seller he sells shoes right out of a store in harlem where he was born and raised. Chase started of by customizing lacrosse sticks and clothes now he can customize and much more he makes 1,000 of dollars 30,000. Chase reed is one of the best Entrepreneurs at 16 years of age.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
The Origami Owl
The Origami Owl is a company established by a teen named Bella Weems.
Her business was structured on an old hobby. The business began to skyrocket and it had expanded. She started it off by hosting
parties and selling most of the jewelry she'd made from lockets to bracelets.
Now " The Origami Owl" has independent designers. They also have a special program so 12 and 17 year old can start their own businesses. For $149, Origami Owl sends a starter package that has a sample of the jewelry they offer. Isn't that a very complex step for a teenager to take when running a business?
parties and selling most of the jewelry she'd made from lockets to bracelets.
Now " The Origami Owl" has independent designers. They also have a special program so 12 and 17 year old can start their own businesses. For $149, Origami Owl sends a starter package that has a sample of the jewelry they offer. Isn't that a very complex step for a teenager to take when running a business?
Making millions on lunch break
Lacrosse company mogul
Rachel Zietz is an owner of a multi million dollar company with her Lacrosse company idea. Rachel appeared on Shark Tank which is a TV show where businesses try to get money to keep growing their business. She has partnered with a MLL lacrosse player Casey Powell. And he is a brand ambassador which means he uses the company's products. Well if she can do it why can't you? All it took was a simple idea, why don't you try that?
Monday, October 10, 2016
Sneaker Don
Benjamin kicks, or known as Sneaker Don. he buys shoes with his own money, then after he sells them online or in person to people. He would sell them to people for a higher price or lower price. He would sell all kind of shoes to people. He keeps some to himself, at least a pair of every kind he sells. Ben’s real last name is Kapelushnik, He want people to call him Ben instead of Benjamin, and his last name to be kicks instead of Kapelushnik. He also skipped 4th grade and now he is home schooled. And He is one of the most recognized sneaker re seller. Ben brags that he’s on track to make $1 million in sales this year just from the normal's who shop his collection every day online.If a kid can make a lot of money… why can't you.
teen robots
While most 16 years old reading at schools.Smart people crating awesome car with great engines.But now kids are starting to create something that help them to transport move faster much better than walking some kids even started to create robots that help them in many ways one of them is to help at home.And here is a cool picture of robot crated by the smarter people of the world who are the best at creating a cars here is a car picture from the year 2022.
Here is a robot created by a teens with a little help from the teachers and there school.
Here is a robot created by a teens with a little help from the teachers and there school.
Chase Reeds Sneaker Pawn
Chase Reed is one of the best Entrepreneurs at 16 years of age.
There was a 16 year old kid named Chase Reed who was from Harlem, New York. Who was just starting his junior year. Most boys at this age play on their phones and games a lot and plays games but not Chase reed who wanted to make some big cash. Chase reed's dad and mother were divorced when he was 14 years old. So every week his dad spent 400$ of sneakers on chase and chase ended up with a 200 pair of shoes collection. One day his dad asked him do you wanna open a sneaker store and sell some of your shoes? At first chase did not know what to do because at the age of 14 most boys were addicted to shoes. They wanted every shoe that came out and Chase Reed had every shoe that came out. But then after thinking a while then it clicked to his mind he was like if I sell shoes, I could buy more and have a lot of money. So, he then opened up a sneaker store and it was called Sneaker Pawn. Chase is now a top seller and he sells shoes right out of a store in Harlem where he was born and raised. Chase started out by customizing lacrosse sticks and clothes. Now he can customize much more and he makes 1,000s of dollars. How about you try to sell your collections?
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Did you know that 10-year-old Cory Nieves has started his own cookie business in New Jersey? It all started about five years ago when Cory and his mother would wait at the local bus stop because they didn't have a car to drive. During the cold months of the year, they decided to sell hot cocoa in order to set aside some funds for a car. Soon after, they added fresh-baked cookies into the mix. Cory soon appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres show where Ellen and the hosts gave him and his mom a new car and $10,000. Wow, it is crazy what a little hot cocoa and cookies can really do. It's not impossible... just an ordinary kid like you and I could easily do the same or even more. I challenge you when there are one of those cold winter or fall days to make some hot cocoa or coffee and sit outside and sell it to others to make their day!
teenager brandon iverson creates first company at the age of ten
Brandon iverson and his partner jordan william created their first company at the age of ten. The name of the company was called the young moguls. it was about a clothes with positive messages on them. Brandon iverson also made another company with his partner jordan williams at the age of thirteen. The name of the company is called making money for teens. What the company is about is making money for teens, starting a business and managing money. they published two books about this company. The 1 book's name is Who need allowances? and the other one is Teenpreneur marketing guide.
13 year old creates her own fashion line
I read about a girl who name is Isabella Rose Taylor she is 13 year old teenager who loves too paint and love to sew so she put them together to make something greater than she can ever imagine. She made to putting her clothes on a clothes line in a new York fashion week. When she was 8 years old she loves to paint and she went to a sewing camp so she loved sewing ever scenes. Her family is so proud of her by making her dreams come true. If she tried to make her dreams come to life why can’t you do the same thing with your own dreams.

Friday, October 7, 2016
Making Money from Minecraft
How would you like to make nearly 13,000 dollars playing video games? Well that's what British Brandon Relph did. Starting at the age of 15, he employed 23 people from around the world to create Minecraft structures. His clients are mainly companies who want to advertise their products or services. He founded his company Go Creative in 2014 with Florian, a boy from Germany, Even though Brandon spends a few hours each night, he still finds time for his schoolwork. If Brandon can make thousands of dollars playing video games, why can't you.

Robert Nay Creates #1 IOS Game
13 year old Isabella Rose Taylor starts her own fashion clothing line. She is from Austin, Texas.
But before starting a fashion clothing line she attended a sewing camp when she was 8 years old and began making her own clothes soon after. When her friends began asking her to make clothes for them, it didn't take long before she had her own truck show at an Austin clothing boutique. When she was 9 years old, later her parents got in touch with a coach at Fashion Accelerator 360, a New York-based fashion-business mentorship program. Her fall clothes collection is now available online and even in 10 different stores. Taylor’s Facebook page gets 166,000 likes every day. “Social Media is such a easy thing to do now”, She says. But besides clothes she also makes other accessories like shoes, handbags and jewelry.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Hart Main thinks outside the box
Hart Main was just and ordinary 14 year old boy who had a good idea and started a great business off of it. When Harts younger sister was selling candles for her school fundraiser ,he teased her for only making girly scents ,and said it would be cool to make men-scented candles. He got on with the business ,and started working really hard with these candles. He decided to package them differently too , he puts them in a soup can. If you buy a Man-Can you donate one meal. Overall they have donated 300,000 meals. Hart is an inspiring entrepreneur because all it took was having a good idea ,working hard ,and helping others along the way to. And the cool thing is you can do that too!
Teenager Finds a Niche in Man-Scented Candles
By: Ruben Gonzalez
Hart Main the fourteen year old invents new man scented candles that smell like bacon, fresh cut grass and even leather. The young teenage mind who invented the man scented candles lived in Maryville Ohio, He got this idea of how his older sister was making girl scented candles and teased her and told her to make man scented candles then hart said he was going to make man scented candles. After he made the candles he went walking around town looking for stores tat would say he could sell his product in the store and that is how his business started. Think how you can make something new and interesting ?
Hart Main the fourteen year old invents new man scented candles that smell like bacon, fresh cut grass and even leather. The young teenage mind who invented the man scented candles lived in Maryville Ohio, He got this idea of how his older sister was making girl scented candles and teased her and told her to make man scented candles then hart said he was going to make man scented candles. After he made the candles he went walking around town looking for stores tat would say he could sell his product in the store and that is how his business started. Think how you can make something new and interesting ?
Jewelry By Bella
So I was reading about this girl named Bella who wanted a car at 14 so her mom told her that she had to raise it herself and that her parents would double her total amount. She started to make jewelry when she was a child. Then started to make money on selling lockets. She soon opened a store in her local mall. She is killing in the business department. I wonder how much money she has made in this past two years.
South Miami Florida Basketball Academy
A 14 year old kid loved basketball so much that he started a business in South Miami Florida it was called South Miami Basketball academy. It teaches people how to shoot, and dribble and do all the skills in basketball. His Name was Andre Cardona and he loved basketball. First his business had just a dozen the he had a total of 65 kids participating. They do not take money from the children because it is free.
Isabella Rose Taylor
Taylor started her fashion design at 8 now she is 15!
At age 3 she started painting and then she got into design. Her designs were already in 10 stores by 2014. On September 9 she showed her spring 2015 collection at NY fashion week. Prices generally range from $28 for knit shorties to $89 for a cardigan. Would you dare to wear her designs?
electronic dog feeder?
At 12 years of age, Brooke made the iCPooch. This creation can dispense food to your dog while your away, and you can even talk to them and see how they are with a face to face conversation with your pet! when she was 14 she started to market this invention she made, now, she is 16 years old now and she believes she was always an entrepreneur in heart. She believes that we all have the power to make the world a better place, once, she orchestrated a blood drive at her school, and she made blankets for the animal shelter. What can you do to make the world a better place?
Jeremy watches
A 19 year old boy named Jeremy Hartley tries to make a million dollars making old fashion wrist watches. Each ones cost ranges from 99 dollars to 119 dollars
WHO LOVES DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!
What if I tell that if you go to any vacation that you can't bring your dog with you but you could do the same things that you usually do when you are with your dog. Than read more of my blog and there will be a solution for that problem. this girl named Brooke Martin who at the age of 14 years old made this device that is called iCPooch. It's a device that you can video chat with your dog from miles and give him treats. Now you might be saying Ismael no way how can you give them treats while you so far away. Here I'm going to give you a challenge I dare you to go and look up how is this made to give them treats and then commit the answer.
Seiji Collection: A 13 Year Old's Makeup Dream
Seiji Yamaguchi created Seiji, a makeup line all her own. She picked out the colors, packaging, etcetera, and even put in her own hard-earned money for all costs. She had almost no help, only oral guidance from her parents (who were well known in the beauty industry themselves and owned multiple salons and their own haircare line) and a pretty good idea of the makeup industry going in.
She herself at that point wore only lip gloss and mascara (and even that was a rarity) so it was a risk to make her own decisions, especially because the makeup trends are always changing, so it was hard to keep up. But, to everyone, including her own's surprise, the makeup was a hit!
She created her own website, and continued to sell Seiji to more and more stores. It just kept growing. Now, her makeup is being used for several major television shows, commercial shoots, and even photo shoots for magazines. Her makeup dream was finally a reality. Have you ever wanted to make your dream a reality? Well, she did. Why not you?
She herself at that point wore only lip gloss and mascara (and even that was a rarity) so it was a risk to make her own decisions, especially because the makeup trends are always changing, so it was hard to keep up. But, to everyone, including her own's surprise, the makeup was a hit!
She created her own website, and continued to sell Seiji to more and more stores. It just kept growing. Now, her makeup is being used for several major television shows, commercial shoots, and even photo shoots for magazines. Her makeup dream was finally a reality. Have you ever wanted to make your dream a reality? Well, she did. Why not you?
Where Gladiator Lacrosse Was Born
My teen is Rachel Zietz she is a entrepreneur that has made a living off of selling lacrosse Nets and Re Bounders like the ones above.She started her business at just 15.S was on shark tank but she didn't get a deal then but now she has a deal with Casey Powell a pro men's lacrosse player for the Florida Launch and he has invested in her idea and since then she has made a 1 million$ company and she is still growing so now she is 20 and growing her business.
oculus rift
Palmer Luckey is a guy who made the oculus rift is where are put or you don’t have to put and there is some where you can have your phone in it. Palmer Luckey is 24 years old and he made the Oculus rift that you can see different things and if feels like you are in it to. The oculus rift is like a go pro and you are see it and you feel when are in it to again. The oculus rift cost $599 to buy one.
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