Sunday, December 10, 2017
My Fave Civilization
My favorite civilization was ancient Egypt. Ancient Egypt has such a fascinating culture, it has amazing art, beautiful architecture, and their religion is extremely fascinating. I love the fact that even though the ancient Egyptians only had very basic technology they still managed to build these beautiful structures (tombs in particular) and build traps to defend them. Their art was also very amazing the fact that people back then could memorize what all of the different hieroglyphics meant and how to write them is astonishing. But my absolute favorite part of ancient Egypt is their religion. I love ancient Egyptian religion so much, my favorite Egyptian god is Anubis the fact that he watched over the dead is so cool. What's your favorite ancient Egyptian god/goddess?
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
ancient egypt
Ancient Egypt was very dry. The civilization had to form along the Nile River because it was a source of water and food. Everywhere else there was sand. This kept them safe from invaders because no one could cross the desert and get to them. The ancient Egyptians made art. They also made things like copper tools, clothes, pots and jars. Another very important part of ancient Egypt civilization was their hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics are what they wrote with. They were pictures instead of letters. They wrote on papyrus.
Ancient Egypt
The ancient Egypt civilization formed all along the river of the Nile. The river provided everything; it gave food, water for growing crops, and transportation. Once the civilization was formed, they developed cool things like copper tools and pots and jars for storage and food. They also developed methods of communication, the main one being hieroglyphics. A few years back, I had memorized the alphabet in hieroglyphics instead of doing classwork. This was fine because classwork in elementary school doesn't matter all that much. Hieroglyphics is a writing system for communication using symbols to represent phrases or characters. When studying hieroglyphics, I also learned about a common weapon they used called the Khopesh. I have found the civilization of ancient Egypt interesting ever since the 2nd grade.
Click-bait about civilization
The civilization that I read about and that I really liked so much was the Indus Valley. I think they are the best civilization because they are so peaceful and I say that because they built an entire city from there hands and tools to stay away from dangers. They also never tried to fight for something or never tried to go to war with any other civilizations. The Indus Valley traded very fairly when they traded and they also had a good amount of food to keep there stomachs full. The king of the Indus Valley is very loyal and his name is Mohenjo-Daro. Another cool thing about them and why they are the best civilization is that they never had any weapons on their base. The cool thing was that they were so safe, they never thought about having weapons in their base or whatever you call it.
Monday, December 4, 2017
Indus Valley Civilization
My favorite civilization to learn about was the Indus Valley Civilization because it is originated from where I’m from. This civilization was based in areas around South Asians, and it was also one of the oldest civilizations ever. I was also interested in the various technologies that they had during this time. These included a new measurement and maths system, they were also great at building docks and metallurgy. They were also very involved in trading around this time, and did it a lot with neighboring nations/empires.
Sunday, December 3, 2017
I am writing about what my favorite civilization. What I think is the best civilization is the Indus Valley people. Why I think that is because they were very clean and they did not have dirt or grime in their streets. They also had plumbing in each and every house because then they would not get infected from the feces. I also liked that they did not have wars. So they were all safe. That is why I think that they are the best.
Friday, December 1, 2017
Click here to win 100 dollars a second link int the blog
Babylon was a city from Mesopotamia. It was in southwest Baghdad. It was interesting that there were lots of biblical references and that they created bible books. They believed in more than one God. The language they used was called Akkadin. I found this ancient civilization to be amusing.
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My favorite civilization - The Egyptians
My favorite civilization to learn about would have to be the Egyptians. I like the Egyptians the best because of all the cool stuff they do such as riding elephants into war. They also built there own tools a lot of the time and did trading with others. What they are most recognisable for is the pyramids which is a very cool part of what they did. These are the reasons that I like the Egyptians more than the other civilizations.
What's your favorite ancient civilization?
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Why I think the Indus Valley is the best ancient world group.
My favorite ancient world group is the Indus Valley. I like the Indus civilization because it was a peaceful group because they say no evidence of a war was going on with them and they also said that they didn't have guns. I would definitely would want to be in their group if I lived in the past. Also, I think its good to have peace because so people can work together instead of fighting all the time. Another, reason I like the Indus Valley because they made a writing system and without them I don't think that we would learn how to write.
The Chinese civilization grabbed my attention the most and i had fun learning about China. I don't know much about Chinese people, so I had fun learning, and it was interesting that they believed in signs from Heaven. I think that I would pray for Heaven to make sure my village doesn't get demolished. I would want them to get cars because they could travel farther and longer. With a car they could conquer more land and have a bigger civilization. What would you give to the Chinese civilization? Comment below!
My favorite civilization
My favorite civilization was learning about the egyptians because they were very interesting to me.
One of the reasons I liked the egyptians was because they did a lot of cool things like building there own tools and trading.
Another reason I liked them is because they did a lot of building like the pyramids and other structures.
I also I like how they ride elephants into war and stuff like that.
Those are the reasons that my favorite civilization is egypt.
One of the reasons I liked the egyptians was because they did a lot of cool things like building there own tools and trading.
Another reason I liked them is because they did a lot of building like the pyramids and other structures.
I also I like how they ride elephants into war and stuff like that.
Those are the reasons that my favorite civilization is egypt.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
My Favorite Ancient Civilization
My favorite ancient civilization is Chapter 2's sections. I like how diverse it is and, I also liked trying to pronounce the names (I still can't pronounce Mesopotamia). Anyways, I think that it is really cool to have different beliefs and to be able to share your beliefs and not be made fun of , for being a certain religion. Also I think that it's amazing that the people there don't take advantage of the resources they have. I conclusion I think it is the most interesting reading.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
The Best Civilization Babylonia
For the ancient world playlist my favorite civilization that I liked to learn about was the Babylonians. I liked learning about Babylonians because they created 12 lunar months, the 60 minute hour, and advanced multiplication tables. I found that very interesting because I like learning about numbers and facts.
If I lived in the time of Babylonia I would be a farmer because farmers would make a lot of money back then because they had more tools for farming then hunting and hunting was harder to catch and the prices would cost more than farmers food because farmers would have more food. I would probably experience more illness and sickness because they didn’t have antibiotics and also more people were in need for food than now. I would also experience different homes/houses that I would live in if I could. If I had a way to transport something back to the time of the Babylonians II would transport. Back then they had good soils to farm on and it and if Babylonians knew how to build and use tractors it would change the amount and time it takes to farm.
Indus Valley is the best
My favorite ancient world is the Indus Valley.The people of the Indus Valley Civilization also developed a writing system which was used for several hundred years. However, unlike some other ancient civilizations, we are still unable to read the words that they wrote.Also the Indus were well-organised and solidly built out of brick and stone. Their drainage systems, wells and water storage systems were the most sophisticated in the ancient world. They also developed systems of weights and trade.That is why I like the Indus Valley.
Accent China is the best!!!!!
I thought that the accent Chinese were the most interesting part of the accent world play list. I liked this because of how they worshiped there goods also how they thought about them like if there was some sort of natural or weather problem they thought it was the emperors fault. In conclusion ancient china was my favorite part of the ancient world play list and i would like to learn more about it.What was your favorite part of the ancient world play list.
The young hindu prince
A young hindu prince once lived a life full of luxury. The prince was surrounded by beauty and youth. He had never witnessed old age, sickness, or death. Around the age of 30, the prince traveled outside the palace walls.What he saw changed the way he saw things. He saw a sick man, a corpse, and a tired old man.The suffering and death troubled the prince .He wondered why this pain and misery was happening. He decided that he would change the way he lived to find the answer. He gave up his wealth, his family, and his life of ease in order to find the cause of human suffering.He's the person who is known as buddha. 
The Babylonians
My favorite civilization is the Babylonians. Not only did they invent my favorite part about math (multiplication tables) but they were also created the sixty-minute hour and a calendar with twelve lunar months. The Babylonians also had a great religious and cultural center since they inherited the culture of an earlier civilization known as Sumer. If you think about it the Babylonians had a great impact on our own lifestyle today. For example, how many times do you wonder what time is it? Or what 7*8 is? So, what other civilizations can you find that have had an impact on our lifestyle today?
Monday, November 20, 2017
what to do if you got the good stuff (i forgot to do this)
if i had $25 i would get some snacks because i get hungry a lot and nobody can't survive without any food, i would maybe get COD WWII or assassins creed origins because they're both fun games. with the $25 I would get a massage or a haircut because massages feel good and if you have long hair and if you want to look like you're not a fool then have $25 with you and go get a haircut cuz i need one
Assyria was a major Mesopotamian kingdom and empire of the ancient Near East. It existed as a state from perhaps as early as the 25th century BC, until its lapse between 612 BC and 609 BC, spanning the Early to Middle Bronze Age through to the late Iron Age.From the end of the seventh century BC to the mid-seventh century AD. For the most part ruled by foreign powers, a period which also saw Assyria become a major center of Syriac Christianity
Indus valley
The Indus valley was a civilization in modern day Mesopotamia in 340 B.C.E. . They are now an unknown civilization, their civilization is located in the region of middle east and they had multiple gods that they believed in and archaeologists uncovered written pictures of supernatural beings on their wall. Their civilization depended of farming and they had a surplus of food and they could feed all the people. their civilization is so unknown they had only the lifestyle of the people who lived there but no names or rulers. Well let's see what they uncover about them in the future.
Back to the future
My favorite civilization to learn about was the Egyptian reason that I liked learning about The Egyptians was because they were able to survive even thought they were flooded for about six months a year and still had enough food for not everyone to have to farm.I think that if I lived in an ancient world then I would have done fine.If I could send back one tool I would send a solar powered ceramic and wood saw.they would be able to cut things so much faster and been able to build things a lot faster.
Favorite ancient civilization to learn about
My favorite civilization to learn about was the Mesopotamian civilization. It is interesting to learn about Mesopotamia because it has the longest history of all the other civilization I learned during the playlist. Each the three kingdoms; Assyria, Babylonia, and Sumer had various and interesting characteristics that are contrasting to the other kingdoms in Mesopotamia. The inventions and discoveries of Mesopotamian civilization also make its history interesting.
If I had lived in the Mesopotamian civilization, I think I would be a farmer because that was a job people normally had. I don’t think I could have done something special. It was hard to get an information and to learn because the writing system was not advanced as now, the books were rare and of course, the internet did not exist.
I think the ships of the modern world would have benefitted the ancient civilizations the most because the ships allow people to travel and carry many things to a further distance.
The Indus Valley civilization is better than your civilization
The Indus Valley civilization is my favorite and the best civilization out of the rest stay in tuned to hear why. The things that stuck out to me was how they were peaceful and that they didn't sacrifices also that they did not have that many weapons. If I lived back then I think I would've done really good because If i was part of other civilization i would killing people and doing sacrifices because I think I would just leave that tribe when I first realized what I would have to do. The tool that would benefited them would be a car so they could travel more and explore more of the world and they would probably survive and still be a civilization.I know that the Indus valley is the best civilization, so try to convince me to like another civilization but good luck cause it's gonna be really hard.
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Fave to learn about!!!
My favorite ancient civilization to learn about was the Indus Valley civilization. I think the Indus Valley civilization is more interesting to learn about than the other civilizations back then because they had well-built cities for their days and I liked their way of living. If I had to live with them and had to experience what they went through I don't think I would have liked it. They didn't have many things that we do now like technology and a lot of things we like hadn't been invented yet. I think the lightbulb would have benefitted the ancient civilizations the most. People would usually just go to bed because they couldn't do much after dark. If they lightbulbs I think they would stay up later and be able to spend more time doing things. Would you like to have lived in the Indus Valley civilization back then?
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Blog Episode II: The Ancient World Ain't So Ancient
For the past three weeks, you have learned about early civilizations in China, Egypt/North Africa, the Middle East and Pakistan/India. You learned why all of them started in river valleys, that some were peaceful and some experienced the constant threat of overthrow, and that each contributed something to the pool in which we all swim.
Now is your chance to do a little knowledge dump. Which civilization was your favorite to learn about? What were some of the aspects of those people that made them more interesting than the others? How do you think you would have done if you had lived with them and had to experience what they experienced? And for a stretch, what single tool from the modern world would you think might have benefitted the ancient civilizations the most if you could somehow magically transport it to them over time and space? Think about the struggles that they overcame and how they might have advanced themselves even further with the benefit of this one new tool. Follow the rules for Posts and Comments below. Your assignment is to do one Post and one Comment.
Blog on!
Now is your chance to do a little knowledge dump. Which civilization was your favorite to learn about? What were some of the aspects of those people that made them more interesting than the others? How do you think you would have done if you had lived with them and had to experience what they experienced? And for a stretch, what single tool from the modern world would you think might have benefitted the ancient civilizations the most if you could somehow magically transport it to them over time and space? Think about the struggles that they overcame and how they might have advanced themselves even further with the benefit of this one new tool. Follow the rules for Posts and Comments below. Your assignment is to do one Post and one Comment.
Blog on!
- Must have a catchy, relevant title.
- Must be 75+ words in length.
- Must be free of any spelling errors. (Word choice errors are not spelling errors. For example; there/their/they’re, choose/chose, loose/lose, to/too/two, etc…)
- Must end with an interesting exit strategy. (A question or challenge to the reader)
- Must be 50+ words in length.
- Must follow the same spelling guidelines as posts.
- Must address something specific the writer has said and *must add something new to the post (see below)
- Must also end with an intriguing question for the writer.
Two additional rules:
- You must be the 1st or 2nd person to comment on a writer’s post. If there are already two comments, choose another student’s post.
- Writers should (not must) respond briefly to all comments.
THE GOLDEN BLOGGING RULE: No Negative Comments. Ever. Politely disagreeing and giving an example of why you might disagree is certainly ok. Respond to posts the way you would want others to respond to your posts.
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