Thursday, October 12, 2017

bad patty

when peppermint patty asked charlie brown about school work charlie brown answered just to pay more attention in school, but peppermint patty wanted him to tell the answers for the schoolwork. I think why she wanted charlie brown to give her the answers because she was totally did not want to do the schoolwork and wants someone else to do it. This is what I think peppermint patty is trying to get from charlie brown

 patty GIF


  1. Yes I agree with you because charlie brown was doing his homework and she wanted to cheat because she wasn't paying attention in class and she wanted the teacher to think she did the homework all by herself and I think charlie brown should not tell her the answers because she did not work hard so she doesn't deserve the answers this is my opinion.

    1. Yes I agree. Cheating isn't a good thing to do & you don't want to just copy answers from another student to get the same grade as them. I think if Patty payed more attention in class,she wouldn't have to ask him the answers to the schoolwork so you do have a point. And I agree about her not deserving the answers because what's the point of her cheating and knowing the answers if she wasn't paying attention in class in the first place!?

    2. thank you for replying and yes i agree with you
