Thursday, February 26, 2015

Cricket Champions!!

India has and will always will be recognized for their best catching, and best throwing, athletic cricket players. So India decided to make a national cricket team. The Indian cricket team was established in 1910, and has been growing ever since. They recently just won the cricket world cup on Saturday. They have gotten better and better every year, and I think they will keep getting better and better! They are the best in the world at cricket. Although, they are not that good at soccer, cricket excites the whole country of India. Do you think India is the best team in the world at cricket?


  1. Very interesting Jacob. Interesting fact, the game of Cricket was actually created by people in England in the 16th Century. This game was first played by Prince Edward or Edward the First. Since England expanded their empire, they also spread the game to overseas continents. In the 19th century, the first international game was held. Now since the game has made it’s way to the entire world, it is played like a “FIFA World Cup” type of format. I would suggest reading R.J.’s post because he talks more about the sport and gives more detail.

  2. Hey Jacob, I really liked your post about India’s cricket team. It is so cool how they just won the cricket world cup. It looks like all their hard work paid off on saturday. They made up from losing in soccer by winning in there better sport. I think you should go read Kaden's post about Myanmar. Even though hes not talking about cricket, he talks about what the kids do there. The kids play games and cricket is one of the games they can play.
