Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sri Lankan foods

Sri Lankan ancestor’s main food was rice and cereal. People today in Sri Lanka still like to eat these foods but they have expanded their food horizon. Foods to us Americans there are very odd. They have things like spicy stir-fry and vegetables, batter, coconut, and spices. A lot of the dishes here are based on coconut shavings, or coconut milk. I do not like coconut, so I would not fit in here. I am also a very picky eater, so I could never go there. My question is, what do you know about Sri Lanka and it’s odd food.

1 comment:

  1. Grant, I really liked your post. It was very interesting! I found out that their main foods are actually rice and curry. I do agree that they think our food is weird. But, we think the food that Srilankan’s eat is weird too! I personally don’t like stir- fry or and spices. I suggest that you go and look at devin’s post. His post goes deep into what foods people in Asia usually eat. Devin’s post also talks about the full cuisine.
