Thursday, February 26, 2015

In India

If I were going to Asia I would want to go to India. Because I would like to see their culture, One food I would try would try would is Samosa  Chaat. I would try it because it would be new food from their culture. Chaat is a mixture of potato pieces, crisp fried bread Dahi vada or Dahi Bhalla, gram or chickpeas and tangy-salty spices, with sour homemade Indian chilli and Saunth (Saunth dried ginger and tamarind sauce.) If I went to India I would want to also go to Bank’s Holiday a cultural festival. But I think Australias on my list before India.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I meant to say hey in the begin

  2. Hey good job writing this another one that is like yours and also interesting is this writing . That food looks really good but you did have a couple errors like don't start a sentence by using because. I did some research on the festival that you wrote about and I would also like to go there. It seems very interesting and fun. If you had a second place you could go where would it be?
