Thursday, February 26, 2015

Million Dollar Arm

India has always been known for their fast throwing, athletes, smart cricket players, so The MLB (Major League Baseball) scouts had an idea to transform their bowlers (the people who throw the ball) into Major League baseball pitchers. Once almost every two years they go around to almost all of the big cities in India looking for the top people. They judge the players by their speed and how close they get it to the catchers glove. The judges pick about the top 18 players to compete in the final competition. It is called the million dollar arm contest. The top two pitchers who win the contest get a couple thousand dollars and a chance to play in the MLB. They get a shot to win a million dollars. I think it is a good thing to do this to give them opportunities. If you lived in India would you travel and sign up in the contest.

Image result for million dollar arm in india real life


  1. I like the way you did yours Jack I did mine related to it. My was about cricket and soccer instead. Yours was about baseball. I think it’s a good thing they give opportunities to people in india to do things and maybe go far and have a career in the sport that they would like. I recommend you check out Anna grounds post it’s about sports too. We pretty much talked about the same thing.

  2. Jack I really like how you got right to the point and you did not jump from topic to topic. I also liked how you used good punctuation . Also I think that it is amazing that the bowlers have such a chance of a lifetime , if i ever had the chance i would surely take it! baseball is so interesting to me . I would recommend Reading Annas post she talked about the same thing.And yes if i was in India i would totally take that offer.
