Thursday, February 26, 2015

Dubai is pretty cool!

Dubai is located in Persian Gulf coast of the United Arab. I would like to visit that there because  1: there is a hotel there that is named  the SAMAYA hotel, but thats off topic. Here are the real reason why. 1: Festivals 2: how beautiful it is and how its always summer and 3: Food. Now lets talk about Dubai.  Dubai’s culture has many different languages English, Urdu, Hindi and Farsi. Their main language is Arabic and English. In Dubai there are many festivals. In January-February there is a marathon or as some people call it a race. The marathon is for a charette along with people who need to get fit. There are three races a 3 km, 10 km, and a 50 km. The winner from each race will win a big amount of cash. Now lets talk about FESTIVAL! Did you know that Dubai is well known for shopper’s paradise. Wow that sounds cool! Anyways more than two million visitors come for the shopping festival. it only till the end of January. Boy I would love to go to a shopping festival! Now food! yummmm! Did you know theres a food festival! In Dubai there is some foods like ours here. for example Hummus, a kind of cheesecake, but there are many dishes there that we most likely won't have here. Like machbous it looks good but I dont know if it would taste good because its lamb. when I think of eating that I think its sad at that it would be gross, but I will never know unless I try it. So Dubai look like a great place to go because of the SAMAYA hotel, festivals and possibly the food. I think I would try to stick with fries and a burger. How about you?


  1. Do you think they would give you a discount at the hotel?
    : )

  2. Hi Samaya, That is really cool that you have the same name as the hotel. That is insane that two million people go to the shopping festival. I also noticed that it was in January. Do you know why? You should go read Miraya’s post about Bangladesh Festivals. I wonder how many people attend those festivals. Do you think it is more that two million people? Would you ever go to one of the festivals and if so which one and why?

    1. I did do my comment of her blog post, but I didn't find how many people go to the Pohela Boishakh but Im sure its a lot. Also the festival that I would want to go to is probably go the the shopping festival. I mean its a shopping festival!!
