Thursday, February 26, 2015


I chose to write about a country called Myanmar. When I looked up the different kinds of foods the one that I liked the most was a snack called Bein Mont. It is a rice pancake.  Another dish I found interesting is the Mohinga. This dish is a rice noodle served with fish soup. I learned that Myanmar kids play with handmade toys. The toys are made from paper, wood, bamboo, metal, and clay. The paper and wooden toys are made in the shape of animals. They play small traditional instruments. Chinlon is a hacky-sack game played with a woven bamboo ball. I would like to play this with them because I have my own hacky-sack I play with. Would you play or make toys with them?


  1. Kaden...great job! Since you looked up Myanmar, can you figure out what odd thing we American's have in common with that country? Hint: You can't measure an inch on a meter stick! (Well, at least you can't do it very easily)

  2. The USA and Myanmar are two of the three countries in the world that do not use the metric system.

  3. I don’t know if I would the toys sound very fragile. Also like you said I do have a hacky- sack but I don’t know how to use it and that wouldn't be fun. One thing you missed is that they also like to make wood cars that. Now would I play with them no maybe not but eat with them that might be a little different story. A rice pancake just shows that they know what they’re doing. The fish soup doesn't sound so great because I don't eat meat. Oh ya you should check out Bizarre Foods in India that post has crazy food.
