Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Ga Ga for Ga Ga

Ga Ga Champion

Camp was probably the most stupendous(cool) experience of my school life. My favorite activities were definitely Ga Ga and tubing. I liked tubing just because it was fun and exhilarating(exciting). But Ga Ga was fun because of the excitement and because I sometimes win. I don't remember exactly if I won during outside Ga Ga, but I do remember winning inside Ga Ga a couple of times. Ga Ga gets pretty fierce(intense) when it gets down to the last two or three people. That's why the best part about Ga Ga, is winning. What interesting Ga Ga stories do you guys and gals have?

1 comment:

  1. Hey I won a few times in gaga if i do say so myself. You are right when you said that it gets pretty competitive. But you see i'm really good at gaga, because I play gaga with my friends a lot, or at least I used to. I also liked going tubing you should try to do a bell with no hands and spin, pretty fun. In gaga was able to get a lot of people out the best tactic is to let other people get about half of the people out and then show your skill.
