Wednesday, October 3, 2018

50 bucks

If I had a whole 50 dollars I would save it to myself because, you know there is more life ahead of me so I need to save. I could also use that money to buy chocolate from gilbirtes chocolate in the mall. On the other hand with that fifty dollars I could also use it for college and put it in my bank account. I mean 50 dollars can buy you o much. I can buy you food, clothes, candy, and maybe a new friend(maybe). I would actually us 25 for other things and save the other 25 for me.


  1. I like your thinking, I think spending ½ and saving ½ is a nice plan. Though I wouldn’t spend it on candy, but spending on a shirt is a good choice, then you can save your parents some money. You have a good point with what you said here: “you know there is more life ahead of me so I need to save.” I absolutely agree with this statement. I hope you have a fun time spending your $50!

  2. I would save my money as well because I never know when I will want something. But at the same time I would also buy candy because it is good, but not good for you. But I don't think about that because it is very good. I usually just keep the money, so buying something would be a rare occasion.

  3. I agree with madelyn.
