Thursday, March 19, 2015

Southeast Asia.......

There are many cool sports in Southeast Asia, Did you know that the Southeast Asian games are also referred to SEA? Ha neither did I. The two most popular sports in Southeast Asia are Kabaddi and Takraw. Kabaddi is more like a wrestling sport takraw is similar to volleyball, But in Takraw you can only use your knees, chest, feet and head. Did you know that unlike the Olympic games, there are no official limits to the number of sports which may be contested? I think that pretty cool. Do you? I think the sport that I would like to try is Takraw because I love volleyball and I think it would be fun to try something new. What about you, would you like to try to play Kabaddi or Takraw?

1 comment:

  1. The sports are fun but no hands in volleyball and wrestling.
    I might want to try Kabaddi or Takraw,
    I might try the olympics.
    I might try SEA.
