Monday, March 16, 2015

Sports in Southeast Asia

There are many interesting things in Southeast Asia. Basketball I think is interesting in Southeast Asia because it isn't popular there, but they still play a lot. Every two years there they hold a under -18 championship for basketball and it is a fun (word choice)  thing to go see. Another fun championship there is the under -16,  (I don’t know if I put punctuation here)that has only happened three times. A different basketball league called the ASEAN Basketball League what players and is really fun to watch. Baseball has never been a game really played in Southeast Asia, but they added a new fun thing to go watch in the Southeast Asian Games. You can watch cricket, track and field, and now baseball and (do I need this “and” here) even more. Another thing to watch at the games is that they have tournaments of football (Soccer) teams playing each other. There are many people on different country teams training for the Olympics, so that is a fun thing to go look and find people training. At the games you can go see the opening ceremony for the teams getting recognized. A studium what is very nice to see an event is National Stadium that holds 55,000 capacity and the events there sometimes is rugby, cricket, football, athletics, concerts, family entertainment shows, national and community events. Would you want to see any of the events and places? 


  1. Jack, I really like your post about Southeast Asian sports. I also did a post about sports here, and this interests me very much. If you want to know more about sports her, check out Noah's post. He has some other information not included in your post. I like the word choice in this blog and it looks like you worked very hard. Did you know that kick volleyball is more popular than basketball here? Do you want to know more about Southeast Asia?

  2. Good job Jack, I really like your blog post on the sports in South Asia. I don't know if you've had a chance to read my blog about the temples at the Angkor Archaeological Park, but they're huge! Can you imagine playing kick volleyball as you run through a temple? That would be awesome! Would you like to know more about the temples at the park? If so, check out Joey's blog post, he has some additional information about the temples at Angkor Archaeological Park that may not be on my blog. By the way, your word choices.were good.
