The Green vine snake
From the Jeff Corwin Experience the animal that I thought was the coolest was the Oxybelis Fulgidus ( the green vine snake). When I was watching it I was thinking how could he of found that. It was so camouflaged. The Green vine snake is not that poisonous. It mostly Eats Frogs, small lizards, and birds.The green vine snake lives in the trees. It is a hiding snake. When it senses a predator it holds still, or if there is wind it will sway in the wind like it is a tree branch. They don't hurt you as long as you don't hurt them. That is just what I learned from the show. The way he held the snake was like he was a tree branch. So the snake thought that it was still in the trees. But even though this snake sounds cool I am still terrified by snakes.
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