Wednesday, March 18, 2015

THat sport doe

Southeast asia plays many sports, but the most popular sport in Southeast asia is Kabaddi. I have no clue on what sport that is. Kabaddi is a wrestling sport.  My favorite sport is basketball which they play but it is  not as popular as a lot of other sports in Southeast Asia.  They have names short like the initials for basketball would be BK.  I would not want to do the kabaddi sport because I do not like to wrestle. Although the second most popular sport is Sepak Takraw, which is like volleyball.  I would rather play Sepak Takraw because volleyball is fun to play sometimes with friends.


  1. Nice job on your post. Yeah, I don't like watching or playing wrestling or Kabaddi they call it there. I have always thought cricket in Southeast Asia was the most popular sport, but I was wrong. I kinda like volleyball too because I play it with my friends. They play Volleyball in the Southeast Asian Games as one of these events there. I think you should read Grant Holtzer’s post because he is talking about the sports there and so are you.

  2. Nice post, you should go and check out “sports in southeast Asia” because it talks a lot about basketball. I like to wrestle but I guess that not everybody likes to. I also prefer basketball to volleyball. their is exactly 127,609 likes in southeast Asia that prefers basketball to wrestling. (Also i don't want you to lose points so you need a question at the end) Don't you think that it would be easier to play inside with air conditioning and wrestle. Than being outside in the hot sun?
