Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Bromo Tengger Semeru national park

 The Bromo Tengger Semeru in Indonesia is 800 square kilometers. It is easts of Java, this national park has great sights of volcanos, it has one of the most volcanoes in province mt. Semeru is one of the volcanoes that are named after  this national park. This is because it’s a active volcano. Warungs are local food stalls thats where you can get food but they close at seven-thirty so you have to eat early. There are multiple ways to come to this national park tourists usually come from Probolinggo. So would you go to Bromo Tengger Semeru national park?


  1. Great post Tommy! Interesting fact about this place. The park actually has five volcanoes! All those volcanoes are surrounded by a vast area of sand known as the Tengger Sand Sea. Further down the national park, there is a series of mountains known as the: Pananjakan, Cemorolawang, and the Mungal. If you go even further, there is another volcano complex known as the Semeru Group or the Jambangen Group. I recommend you read R.J’s post because he gives more info about the volcano heights and other things.

  2. Good job Tommy! Nice paragraph about the park place. I did not know there was a volcanoes in the park a lot. Do scientist go to the park for the volcanoes samples. How many tourist are there in each month. I think in Hawaii had a park with more than 5 volcanoes. How old is the volcanoes in the park place. I would go to Bromo Tengger Semeru national park in the summer time.
