Thursday, March 19, 2015

Southeast Asia attractions

If I was going to visit Southeast Asia I would want to go to one of their most popular tourist attractions. I would go to Angkor Archaeological Park in Cambodia because of their Temples , their are over 400 square kilometres!!! You would definitely need more than one day to see all that the temples of Angkor has to offer. I would also visit Penang , they are most known for their unique mixture of  Chinese and Indian foods. They have Spicy Curries and savoury soups and for a good price! So if you had a choice where would you go ?


  1. Sup Catherine, we kinda wrote about the same thing we both wrote about Temples except you wrote about the Temples in Angkor Archaeological Park in Cambodia and I wrote about the temples in Bagan. So if you have anytime you should check out/ comment? on my blog if you want. If I could go to the Temples in Angkor Archaeological Park in Cambodia I would most definitely just because it seems really cool and fun!

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