The black rhinoceros in Africa is endangered there trying to protect them but there is a man that pays $350,000 I think that that is really wrong for him to do that but thats my opinion other people may not what do you think? the western black rhinoceros was classified extinct in 2011 with only 500 of them left people who get lots of ivory from rhinos and elephants if they get caught they don't care because they get lots of money from it. Do you think what they are doing is okay?
Monday, December 8, 2014
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Saturday, December 6, 2014
The Endangered Rhino
The black rhinoceros is critically endangered they are native to eastern and central Central asia including Kenya tanzania cameroon south africa namibia zimbabwe and angola. the western black rhinoceros was classified extinct in 2011. With only 5000 black rhinos left they are getting hunted for 350,000 dollars. people who get lots of ivory from rhinos and elephants if they get caught they don't even care because the profit from selling the ivory is much greater than the poaching fine .do you think the poaching should be aloud even tho the hunting tag is 350000.
Friday, December 5, 2014
The few, The proud, The Black Rinio
I just can't believe that they would do that to an endangered species. What would make them think that, is OK? They are so few just 5,000 left in the world. We need to work on saving rather than killing them off. I think that that is sick. Why would the FBI be helping them in killing off the last few black buffalo. This people should be put in jail rather than getting 350,000 dollars.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
The smart kid who saved his cattle
The smart kid who saved his cattle
In Kenya a thirteen year old kid saves his cattle. The boy name was Richard Turere. One day when he checked his cattle at night he saw a lion and tried to scare the lion away.The next day he made a scarecrow and thought they would be scared of it. Then he checked again at night and saw the lions are not scared of the scarecrows. The next night he went around his yard with his flashlight to check if they are lions.When he points the flashlights at the lion,the lion was scared. The next day he had an idea.His idea was to put up lights in the dark so lions won’t come to his backyard.Then he told everyone and shared it with the whole world.He also got a scholarship for his idea. What thing have you learned about Africa?
The Amazing Ethiopia
Ethiopia was were I was born. It was a cool place. So many different traditions held each night, singing and dancing were very common things. Click to see two different songs danced by Ethiopians. The second one is Ethiopia's most popular dance.
It's weather is very hot and dry. Of course it is this way because of how it is almost right above the equator. Ethiopia is a very mountainous area. Blue clouds fill the sky, and the ground will be filled with very green grass.
I chose to write about Ethiopia because of its foods. There is this one type of food that I still eat. People that don’t like hot stuff probably wouldn't like this. They would like the other dishes on it though. That's just my opinion. This dish is called Ethiopian Cuisine. This dish is one of Africa's traditional dishes. It usually is made for a big day. Not like a birthday, or Halloween, but like a wedding. ttps:// allows you to see a video of a wedding. It is so pretty and cool.
Ethiopian Cuisine
Ethiopia’s weather.
It's weather is very hot and dry. Of course it is this way because of how it is almost right above the equator. Ethiopia is a very mountainous area. Blue clouds fill the sky, and the ground will be filled with very green grass.
I chose to write about Ethiopia because of its foods. There is this one type of food that I still eat. People that don’t like hot stuff probably wouldn't like this. They would like the other dishes on it though. That's just my opinion. This dish is called Ethiopian Cuisine. This dish is one of Africa's traditional dishes. It usually is made for a big day. Not like a birthday, or Halloween, but like a wedding. ttps:// allows you to see a video of a wedding. It is so pretty and cool.
Anyway, back to the Cuisine. The cuisine is a dish with a lot of things on it. So when you go to an Ethiopian restaurant, don’t ask for anything, because they just bring you a big plate that is so full of so many good things. I loved it the first time I tried it. Hopefully you will try it. You will won’t you?
There are many cool thing about Africa. One interesting thing about Africa is the African Elephants. Lots of people are killing African Elephants for their tusks. Elephants Tusks make ivory. Ivory is a very expensive tool or decoration. Ivory is like bone but not a bone. Nowadays it is illegal to kill elephants in any place not just Africa, but people still kill them for money they get this money from trade. Now African Elephants are endangered. This means there are not very many left. I think we need to do something about this. Do you?

African Elephant
There are peaceful elephant in African ,but there more the elephant are getting kill by people.The people kill elephant in the past and even today. The people want the elephant tusk because it have ivory.A ivory is white bone from an animal tusk and it use to crave or decorate stuff.The people trade the tusk it is an illegal trade today and it in black market too. Now the elephant is become endanger.
Africa tho
Africa is the most and diverse continent on the earth. Africa is known for their history of art.
Africa is where human beings beings first appeared on earth. Home of the world’s first great
civilization. The largest religion in Africa is Islam, over 1,000 languages are spoken in africa
so there is no main one. They have the largest desert which is the size of United States!
Thats pretty cool even though I wouldn’t go there, would you.
Tippi Degré
Tippi Degré is a women that for most of her childhood grew up in Africa making friends with animals of all kinds. She is of french heritage. Tippi says “I don't have any friends here. Because I never see any children. So the animals are my friends.” Tippi has become very famous.Tippi has always been friend to the animals of africa mean or nice it doesn't matter to her. Tippi knows her family is french but she is african wich would you say.
Africa Animals
When I think of Africa I think of the vast space of yellowish grass and many animals in the background. I think of the sky being blue above the grass and across the grass are a couple small trees. People think of animals in Africa are only elephants, lions, and giraffes, but there are a lot more. Did you know that Africa has warthogs, wildebeests, African leopards, and African buffalos. A lot of these animals are being hunted and people have taken their animal skin. I disagree with the killing of innocent animals. What do you think of when you hear Africa.
The outbreak of Ebola has erupted and has spread among over thousand of citizens. This is the worst Ebola outbreak ever. A U.S surgeon died of Ebola on November 17 at the Nebraska Medical Center after showing symptoms of Ebola. Early symptoms of Ebola are fever, body aches, cough, stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Earlier cases of Ebola in the United States included a patient in Dallas, Texas who was diagnosed with the virus and later died on October 8th. Another case of Ebola was on October 11th a nurse who cared for the first patient showed symptoms of Ebola, but was released and tested negative for the virus. In my opinion, Ebola should've been taken more seriously when the first patient was diagnosed.
Well I was looking about African news and African giraffes might go extinct. Nooooooooooooooooo, this sad there was 140,000 now their is less than 80,00000. They are killing these animals for meat personally I think they're doing this for money. Think about it why are there so many giraffes but now there's barely any like they're probably going to be two then they're going to ban hunting giraffes. So what do you think should we continue or shall we finish this hunt, what do you think?
The Zebras Stripes
Their is a very interesting fable from Africa called How the Zebra got his stripes. When challenged the zebra, the zebra stood up for what is right. The story is quite interesting, when the zebra gets his stripes. Basically the moral is that you should always share. Wait, there is another moral: Stand up to what you think is right. One question. How will you follow these morals? Tell me in your comment
Silverback Mountain Gorillas
Silverback Mountain Gorillas
Silverbacks are one of the most impressive animals in my mind. Even though there on the edge of extinction they have fought throw it and there population is growing. Most Silverbacks live in the Virunga Mountain system. In fact this system ranges in altitude from 2,200 to 4,300 meters (or 7,200-14,100 ft.) plenty of food and room to move around. The Mountain Gorilla main diet is veggies. For example most adult males can consume 75 lb of vegetation in a day! My question for you is would you want be a Silverback?
Please donate or adopt to here!
Gorilla Who could say no to this face!
Bushels of babies
Although they are tiny things they have big voices. They make 18 distinct vocal sounds. Yep they are the bush babies a monkeys close cousin. These little guys are native to more than 25 African countries. They live up to 14 years in captivity. They like to live in woodlands and bushlands. There are four known species of bush babies. They need to stay away from eagles, owls,genets and large snakes or they will be a cute snack.
The Mountain Gorilla
The mountain gorilla is a really cool animal. They are usually found in Central Asia. They are the largest of all the apes. They grunt to let you know they are coming. Males have silver gar on their backs, and they get that silver around the age of 13. The men are the head of the group. There are about 700 mountain Gorillas left on this earth. would you go and help gorillas? click here to see where I found my information.
Lion Boy
People in Kenya aren't the richest but they are pretty smart. For example, this 13 year old boy who started herding cattle when he was just nine drove away lions from his family's cattle! He first tried to scare them with fire then a scarecrow and that only worked for one night. Then when he was walking home he discovered that lions are scared of light. So he made an invention where he would set up lights on his fence the lights would blink off and on and the lions would think that he was there and would not kill the cattle and run away. He set this up for other people in his village and everyone's cattle were safe and sound. He won a scholarship for this awesome invention and I think its really smart and cool. What would you do if lion were eating your cattle?
african hippos
The biggest animal threat in Africa is probably the hippo . First of all those big teeth. They are huge. I bet those teeth would chomp right through a person. I do know that is a bad thing to say but click on the link and you will know what i mean. Also i think hippos are fast. I mean it doesn't look like it because there big and fat. lastly is
would you like to live in Africa?
The Lion Hero
People in Kenya may not be the richest people in the world,but they can be one of the smartest. For example, the 13 year old boy who made lion lights. To me, this is one of the most brilliant ideas ever. First, he came up with the map of the lights. Then, he made the lights to scare the lions. Last, he installed the lights on the fence. The lights blink every second to scare the lions. The lights make the lions think the boy is outside with a flashlight. He has installed lights in 7 of his neighbors fences also. This has got him a college scholarship. This is one the best inventions ever. Do you think it is one of the best inventions ever?
Did you know that a black rhino in Africa is endangered? Well they are selling a hunters permit for 350,000 dollars well i think what the heck you can't just hunt these animals not even for 350,000 dollars. just killing them can erase the whole kind if you killed the last black rhino how would you feel? what do you think other people will think of you? so tell me would you take the permit off or keep it?
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