Wednesday, October 3, 2018

What would I do with $50?

If i got $50, I would spend it on Dog toys and dog treats. I love dogs, and animals in general, and I love to see dogs happy. An example, for one of my birthday presents, I did a donation to the humane society, and we spent 250 dollars on dog toys, dog and cat food, cat toys, and dog treats. If I got $50, I would most likely be able to buy four toys for the animals. After buying materials, I could pet the sweet cats and dogs. I may as well also donate some extra money to the animal shelter, for taking the animals in, and giving them love they most likely never got. Also coming to the conclusion I am the worst money saver...

1 comment:

  1. I love that you would help animals woth that $50. I would also love to help aniamls (everyone/thing I would help). that is very nice of you to think about animals.
