Thursday, October 4, 2018

When i won a raffle i would take the money from that and get my parents a gift for taking care of me for so long. Then i would save 20ish$ to get something better in the future . Next with the remaining 10ish$ i will give it to people who need it the most because the people don’t get phones or anything else do to barely having anything.if you were given the choice to have a great house or help poor people get food and water? what would you choose.


  1. I really like that you would buy a gift for your parents with some of the money. That’s really nice and thoughtful of you to do that. In my opinion, I don’t think many people have thought of doing this, including me. Finally, I like that you would save and donate the rest of your money, too. Just wondering, why don’t you want to spend some of your money?

  2. Eliza, see me (please) for how you can fix this in a few simple clicks!
