Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Will I spend or will I save my $50??

        If I won $50 in the school raffle and I could either spend it, save it, or some combination of the two then I would save it all. I would save it all so I could use it for future reasons. For instance I would use it for college or for emergencies, for instance tornado or flooding. Unless the money was for an emergency, disaster, or college than I would not even use a penny of it. Besides I have been saving for college so the $50 dollars would just go into the college savings. What would you do if you won $50 dollars in the school raffle?  


  1. Hi Abby. You say that you would save it for college and save it for emergency times.I like how you say that you would “use it for emergencies, for instance tornado or flooding”. Nice, very prepared. But, you live in Michigan, I think there wouldn’t be super huge floods or tornados here, would there?

  2. I think you are very smart to save all of your money for future reasons. Saving it for college is especially clever because college will change your entire life. I agree with that but I would also save it for other education purposes, like maybe an important field trip in highschool, or lunch money. Emergencies and college are good things to save for but if you chose not to save your money, what would you buy? with it?
