Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Phun Money Writing

If I won $50 in a school raffle I would save up for a really good camera. If I had extra then I would get more drawing supplies. Subsequently, if I still had extra, I would just donate to The Homeless Angels. Let me explain why I would donate to The Homeless Angels. My family and I have helped out for them many times. Also my mom has relatives that work for The Homeless Angels. I would save any leftover money after that so I can buy bigger stuff with more money. I could give it to my parents so they can put the money in the safe, so I can use it and the other money that is in the safe when I am 16 to buy a car or something like that. In conclusion, I would use the money to buy a camera, donate to the Homeless Angels, and have my parents help me save what is left over.


  1. I like how you explained why you would give it to the homeless shelter in depth.

  2. I like how you would use the money to follow your true passions. I also agree with donating it to a charity, because there are people that may not be as lucky as us and need it more. I also think that it is a good idea to save it up in the future, because you might want to use it for something big. A good idea for that is to keep it in a bank account because as time goes on, your money will grow with interest rate. Think of it as it as the bank basically paying you for having storing money. Then, you could use it for something big, along with extra money that you earn.

  3. I really like how you would donate to the homeless angels and that you have been. I also like that if you would not you would be smart with it.Since you would get a camera what type and why. Also would you get anything else or do anything else if so why?

  4. I think this is a fantastic idea!!!
