Tuesday, October 2, 2018

50 dollars of fun or 50 dollars of future?

If I won $50 in a school raffle, I would save half of it and spend half of it. I believe
that saving is important in case something happens in the future and I lose the money in
a fire or something, there will always be a little bit of money in my bank account. For
instance, I go to a football game with my money, but it falls out of my pocket, and all
of my money was in my wallet which fell out. Would you want that? I think that’s really bad because I wouldn’t have any money left, which is why I would keep some in a bank account. Equally important, giving to charity is how I would spend the other $25. In my opinion, this is equally important because there are some people who can’t even buy food, or have to live in a center for homeless people. I would also count animal charities as important too, because animals need shelter, food, and entertainment as well. Rather than buying something for myself, I could buy something for animals or humans in NEED instead of in WANT.
In any case, I would save half and give half for the best of everyone. What do you first think of when you get $50, fun or future?

1 comment:

  1. Maya I agree with your statement about saving money in the bank just in case you lose your money. I like how you said you would give half to charity and not just all for yourself just because you want something. But what if you end up losing almost everything would you still give half of it to charity?
