Wednesday, October 3, 2018

If I Had Fifty Dollars (which I don't)

If I fifty dollars I would spend all of it (you can't stop me). Firstly I would go to Walmart and buy a myriad of snacks, and then some Halloween decorations, probably spending around twenty-ish dollars. Subsequently I would most likely spend the rest of my money buying things on Redbubble (Google it). In which doing so I would get some kind of wooden carvings. Also another thing I'd purchase on there would be some cool flags. For the above all reasons is because my room is super boring and I want it to be more interesting, also you gotta treat yo self.

Image result for the lion king money


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. true. I would save the remaining money.

  2. Omg I love the title, haha

  3. I like your idea about buying food and halloween decorations. I would buy food too! I might buy some decorations for my room, except my rooms a mess, and I definitely don’t need more stuff. I would probably buy stuff online like you said you would. It sounds like a good plan!
