Tuesday, October 2, 2018

If I had $50

If I got $50 from a school raffle I would first take the money home. I would not spend it immediately. First, I would put it in my wallet. I would think on what to spend the money on. It would probably take me a couple days to figure out what I’m going to purchase. There is no doubt that I would spend about $15 on v-bucks in Fortnite Battle Royale. I would ask my mom if could use her credit card to buy the v-bucks and I would pay her the $15 back. I want v-buck so I can buy skins in the game Fortnite. Because of me using 15 of my 50 dollars I would only have $35 left. I would save that remaining money and buy a new outdoor basketball because my old outdoor basketball is not in great condition. After that I would probably have $5 left. I would spend that money immediately on some candy or gum. So I would probably spend all of that money in 3 to 5 days. That is how I would spend $50. How would you spend $50?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. that's a good idea i would have to get v-bucks from fortnite too and i would probably get candy also but didn't say it.
