Wednesday, October 3, 2018

What I would do if I won $50 (qwertyuiop)

If I won $50,first I would donate all the money to Animal Rescues. If I had won more money I would have also donated to charities and help fight cancer. Since I only have $50 I will donate it to animal rescues. I watch animal rescues on Youtube all the time and it makes me so sad to see them in that position. After they are rescued my heart explodes with happiness. (Wow, that sounded so bad, heh) Anyway, my money would go to buying the animals food so they are able to eat, buy soap because they probably smell. Heh. I would also donate to help the animals get adopted and have a new home. 😃


  1. That'a very kind of you to do that. you are not thinkong about yourself in this situation. You're only thinking of animals in this. You woud use this money to help save animals and that is very kind.

    1. I meant thinking for anyone who saw the typo I made.

  2. ya we all saw the typo

  3. I love how you added pictures for what you would spend it on. I think that money would be well spent. It would make me happy knowing that the animals would be helped. I think that would make the animals happy.I hope it would. I would probably donate my money to.
