Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Horses in Africa

The Namib Desert Horse is a rare feral' which means wild 'horse found in the Nambia desert of Namib, Africa. It is probably the only feral herd of horses residing in Africa, with a population ranging between 90 and 150. The Namib Desert Horse is athletic in appearance, resembling the European light riding horses from which it probably descends'just like science this means from ancestors or parents traits' and usually dark in color. Despite the harsh environment in which they live, the horses are usually in good condition, except during times of extreme drought.'which means food and water disappear and or die of this is caused by warm weather'  The horses have been the subject of several population studies, which have given significant insight into their population dynamics'studies the size and age composition of population as dynamical systems, and the biological and environmental processes driving them such as birth and death rates, and by immigration and emigration' and ability to survive in desert conditions. Although there are no horses native to Africa these horses were imported there to be studied to see how they would survive in places like Africa and now they are breeding and are very successful in life.  

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