The black rhino has not had it easy, black rhinos are an endangered species that live in Parts of Africa. Rhinos have been here on earth for 50,million years and have a lifespan of 50 years.
Black rhinos are close to being extinct mainly because of humans and man made issues, recently In Africa a permit was sold for $350,000 even though the black rhino is a protected species in addition to this black rhinos have also become critically endangered because of a now high demand for rhino horn. In 1970 there were an estimated 65,000 black rhinos that could be found in sub
Saharan Africa which is an unfortunately small number for a species that has been around for so long, and it only gets worst similarly in the 1970s 90 percent of black rhinos where killed. Now in places such as Zimbabwe,South Africa,Kenya,Namibia, and Tanzania black rhinos are difficult to find, but its not to late to save them for example potter park zoo is now the second zoo to home a black rhino. You can help save the black rhino by donating at this website https://www.savetherhino.org/. Will you help save the black rhinos?
I love this blog! I really like how you worded anything and I think you chose a good topic to write a blog about. I strongly agree with this, black rhinos should be saved! I can't believe that 90% of black rhinos have actually been killed. Once again, great job with this blog! :)