Thursday, March 23, 2017

Save the Lions

             The lions are becoming endangered and threatened.  There are about 17,000 to 19,000 lions left which used to be over 50,000.  I think its pretty sad because do you really need to kill animals that are endangered for their skins and teeth for money.For example the lions are getting their habitat and land destroyed.  This situation is the same for Australia. Also land being taken away isn't the only thing that is being taken away. Further more their prey is being killed to like hyenas and is starving them and water is being used for irrigation. So I think its pretty sad that people kill the lions for quick money.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. People should not be killing innocent/endangered animals for quick and easy money. Not saying killing a lion is easy but you understand what I am saying. If cruel people like animal killers keep this up it may be the end of Lions.
