Thursday, March 23, 2017

Save the Mountain Gorillas

Mountain Gorillas.One of the world's most fascinating,social creatures on this earth.Unfortunately people in Africa have killed them for many reasons through past years causing them to have only 600 left in the world.In the early 20th century hunters ,and collectors killed or captured the gorillas.Then when the civil war broke out poachers began to kill the gorillas for whatever they wanted whether it was for food or to sell there heads ,and hands to make good money.In addition to them being killed and captured they also had a severe habitat loss.As you can see people didn't pay attention to these beautiful animals fading away.In my opinion killing a gorilla ,or any animal on the endangered species list should have severe consequences ,and should be taken seriously.We as humans need to stick up for the animals who don't have a voice.To help visit Save gorillas.What will you do to save endangered species?

1 comment:

  1. i Like this article i love all wildlife they are great it would be weird to just have humans living it is interesting how they are stronger faster and more deadly but we manage to kill them for fun monkeys are one of my favorite animals and we manage to endanger a amount of animals that is great and they are the coolest animals i wrote about similar topics about lions
