Friday, March 24, 2017

Hockey in Africa?

When you think of Africa Elephants,cheetahs,giraffes,hockey wait yes i just said hockey.As a matter of fact there is a rink in Nairobi Africa.The rink is located in Panari hotel.It is located in the base floor of the Hotel along with the state of the arc pool.And there is where the Kenyan ice hockey team is a group of people who play for fun.There leader or captain of the team is Ben Azegere.That is my knowledge on hockey in Africa.Do you know anything about any other odd sports in Africa.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hockey in Africa is a good blog, and hockey is different than what most other Africans do(soccer, athletics, etc.), and they do play for fun, like you said. All of the Kenyan people that are in the league are having a fun time. According to the captain of the league, the league is a 15-on-15 game(or something like that).

  3. that is nice how they have animals playing sports in Africa. I did not now there were any African hockey teams and pool teams. Next time you should make sure all you sentences makes sense because i messed up while i was reading it. I also thought these were weird sports that they do in Africa.I am going to do more research on this because i like this topic.
