Thursday, March 23, 2017

Ivory Ella Save The Elephants foundation

     Elephants need support from people all around the world if they’re to survive in the wild.   They are in danger from the terrible ivory poaching crisis that killed 100,000 elephants across Africa in just three years. That is when a group of kids wanted to put a stand to this and save the elephants. Ivory Ella is a group of twenty-something year-old entrepreneurs who decided to make a difference. They have designed merchandise with one thing on their minds: to save elephants.  This is where things get extraordinary. Ivory Ella sales went through the roof.  Just 4 weeks after launching, co-founder of Ivory Ella presented Save the Elephants with a giant $30,000.  Wow! What a difference people can make if we all just think about other things other than our self.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I didn't know Ivory Ella was a company devoted to saving elephants. I thought it was just a shirt company! Now I think I will buy a shirt so I can help save the elephants.
