Friday, March 24, 2017

Food in Africa

I am researching food in Africa because it is something that I would like to learn about. Also I can learn a lot from African food because it is a lot different than food in America. Food in all parts of Africa are different and some are the same. But if you go to a new part of Africa then you get to try new food and life that is nice if you eat the same kind of thing over and over.  Food of North Africa they eat a lot of spices so if you like spicy food that is the place for you. they also use olives and olive oil in a lot of cooking. Most of their food has been influenced by invaders,traders, and migrants. The Arabs also influenced their food choices. On to South and East Africa there food uses a lot of ground maize or corn. If you have meat that symbolizes wealth. Cuisine in East Africa is influenced by Arabs. Indian worker and immigrants also brought their food with them over to Africa. Food in West Africa relies mostly on starchy foods known as carbohydrates. Many parts of Central Africa remained with their traditional foods because they had no influence on their food. They eat starchy staples served with meat, bean or vegetable stew. What kind of food do like that is Africa?



  1. I love your topic about food in Africa. The British brought Africans cattle, sheep, and goats. Indians, brought chapatti vegetable curries, lentil soups and spicy pickles. In southern Africa, they made a stiff porridge or dough out of maize. Somali got influenced by Italy and they eat a lot of pasta. There are many different types of food in Africa.

  2. You did a great job on this blog, and I also love your topic. I am from west Africa and some examples on the carbohydrates are fufu, which are different processed flours that are boiled. It usually pairs with a type of vegetable or soup of vegetables like eru, Mbanga, and all the like. A different example is garri which is a dried and ground cassava root which also pairs nicely with the other vegetable based soups that I mentioned above. It's really great that you have informed yourself about the food of this wonderful culture.
