Friday, March 24, 2017

Save the rhinos by Ruben

Did you know that rhinos are being hunted right now. Rhinos are so majestic because there are only five spices in the whole world another cool fact about rhinos is that they can run up to 40 miles 30 miles so why don't you spread the word about saving the, They are so majestic and beautiful animals and they are about to go extinct. Rhinos are the best creatures in the world but if we humans keep on talking there habitat away and they will go extinct and every day around  the world we kill three rhinos imagine how many rhinos die every year. So next time when you're walking in a park and you find a rapper on the ground pick it up because we don't know which animal will leave the world.
Image result for save the rhinos pic

1 comment:

  1. I also think that the rinos should be saved. I have a sweatshirt that says "Save the chubby unicorns" I don't get why if people know that they are going to go extinct why they keep hunting them. Where is their logic there?
