Tuesday, March 28, 2017

African Elephant

 The elephants walk in big big heards all at one time through many countries. Now of days the African Elephants are being hunted and being killed. There are people that are taking there tusks and making Ivory out of them and selling them for big time money. 100,000 African Elephants are killed each year. Also in 1980 80% of the heards went missing in some regions. African Elephants are loosing there habitats, humans are taking up most of there space, that they used to roam.Did you know the african elephant is the biggest animal walking on this earth?


  1. Aubrey wow this is cool to bad this many elephants are killed😡

  2. Aubrey this is a very great articular about the African elephants.i think that you should add more details about theses African elephants and how they are endangered and losing their habitats. i also think that it is very sad that 100,000 of these animals get killed for their tusk just so they can get money.i really like reading about these animals cause they are my favorite animals and as soon as you do i little touching up this articular will be awesome
