by Jackson Warner and Colten Roach
the people in Africa need the water or else they might die most of their water is polluted. Water scarcity in Africa. Water scarcity or lack of safe drinking water is one of the world's leading problems affecting more than 1.1 billion people globally, meaning that one in every six people lacks access to safe drinking water. South Africa is a country located at the Southern Tip of Africa. About twice the size of Texas it is home to 49 million people. This country has been stricken by effects from the long standing apartheid to the devastation that diseases such as HIV/AIDS and TB have caused. Now another crisis looms in the distance, Water. As more and more people migrate into cities from rural villages the pressure for the city to meet the water demands is ever increasing. There are many reasons that attribute to this growing water crisis in South Africa. Climate change has affected water supplies within the region
Wow i will try not to complain to my mother or father about wanting pop or something other than water because i am taking the water i have for granted when so people don't even have drinkable water.