Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Did you know that zebras are related to the donkeys and the horses. They are usually found in eastern and southern Africa in grasslands and semi desserts. They usually eat grass and leaves. they are 4 to 5 foot tall to the shoulder. when they are babies they are called foals. And they can walk for 20 minutes after they are born. They have incredible hearing and eyesight they can run for up to 35 mils pure hour. Did you know that under the zebras black and white stripes there skin is all black. Different zebras has different kinds of stripes such as how wide they are and narrow. Zebras communicate with facial expressions and sounds for example they make loud barking and braying and snorting sounds.
African Elephant
The elephants walk in big big heards all at one time through many countries. Now of days the African Elephants are being hunted and being killed. There are people that are taking there tusks and making Ivory out of them and selling them for big time money. 100,000 African Elephants are killed each year. Also in 1980 80% of the heards went missing in some regions. African Elephants are loosing there habitats, humans are taking up most of there space, that they used to roam.Did you know the african elephant is the biggest animal walking on this earth?
African Horses
The Namib Desert Horse is a rare feral horse found in the Namib dessert of Nambia,Africa. It is probably the only feral herd of horses residing in Africa, with a population ranging between 90 and 150. The Namib Desert Horse is athletic in appearance, resembling the European light riding horses from which it probably descends, and usually dark in color. Despite the harsh environment in which they live, the horses are generally in good condition, except during times of extreme drought. The horses have been the subject of several population studies, which have given significant insight into their population dynamics and ability to survive in desert conditions.
Monday, March 27, 2017
"Lion lights"
Have you ever imagined receiving a college scholarship in middle school? Well Richard Turere did, all because if his creation for scaring the lions away from the cows, as well as many other animals in Kenya.
It all started just when he was a young boy, at that time being seven years old. His family herded many different animals near the Nairobi National Park, such as zebras and cows. Meanwhile, lions that also lurked through there would follow some of his animals. Everything was fine, except for their major issue; lions attacking the cows. It upset Richard because he cared about equally for his animals, but Richard started to dislike the lions when they started messing with the cows. For a long time he tolerated it, but he realized that wouldn’t help anything, so he started killing the lions. That worked for a while but he realized that would just make things worse, but one night, everything changed.
One day, his neighbor had Richard’s same problem so Richard set that up for him, as well, and soon enough, so many people were asking for Richard’s help. Richard helped set up his contraption throughout all of Kenya and even got offered a college scholarship in one of Kenya’s best colleges! Richard got so famous and TED recognized him for his work and offered him to come on the show. That was Richard’s first time going to America. He even got to go on his own jet!
Richard has now decided that when he grows up, he wants to be an aircraft engineer. Would you ever take so much time into something?
mountain gorillas
Did you know that there are less than 700 mountain gorillas living today? An average gorilla weighs anywhere from 200 to 400 pounds. Mountain gorillas are herbivores and live in dense forests or rainforests. They usually live anywhere from 40 to 50 years. These awesome creatures are badly endangered. people aren't even doing anything about it! The mountain gorilla became known to science on 17 October 1902 people need to start doing something about this. I challang you to try to do sompthing about theese poor endangerd spicies.
Ivory Ella Foundation
I know that a lot of people own Ivory Ella shirts. But, did you know that your favorite shirt company is helping an endangered animal! That's right, Ivory Ella is helping elephants! Save the Elephants is honoured to be the beneficiary of a whooping 10% of the organisation’s proceeds. This is where things get extraordinary. Ivory Ella sales went through the roof. Just 4 weeks after launching, Jacob Castaldi presented Save the Elephants with a giant $30,000 check.
Thanks For Reading!!!
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Food in the north
Food in the north
The food of North Africa has been heavily influenced over the centuries yet the ingredients brought by traders, invaders and migrants.
The Arabs introduced spices such as saffron, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger and cloves. Sweet pastries and other baked foods were brought by the Ottoman Turks. They have lots of different ingredients from trading and in their farming to.They have very delicious food in their counties but some ingredients are still not grower in the crops they trade
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Grey Crowned Cranes Are In Danger
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The Grey Crowned Crane is also the national bird of Uganda, and is on their flag. |
What are the Mountain Gorillas
Mountain Gorilla Video
Oryxes can be found in eastern and southern Africa. They live in dry arid areas like deserts, savannas, and steppes. They are an endangered species and only about 373,000 individuals roam this planet today. Watch this COOL VIDEO to learn more about them.
People like to hunt the oryxes because of its long horns, they consider it a very special achievement. Lions, hyenas, and African wild dogs feed on oryxes.
The horns itself are more than 3 feet tall. And it is the size of an average horse. They eat coarse grasses, and also they eat multiple varieties of thorny bushes.
I realize you believe I want oryxes to be left alone so that they can live the life they deserve. Do you think that you can find an oryx?
Nelson Mandela
Rolihlahla Mandela on July 18, 1918. He grew up poor in a small South African village. When Mandela was nine, he was adopted by and sent to live with his father’s best friend, an important clan chief. In school, Mandela learned about African history and his ancestors’ struggles with discrimination. He wanted to help his countrymen. He later traveled to Johannesburg, where he studied law and opened the country’s first black law practice. He also joined the African National Congress, a group that fought for racial equality, in my opinion I think Mandela is kind of similar to Martin Luther King Jr. Finally Mandela has been the president of South Africa from 1994-199, he has also won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts. In conclusion, how do you think you can be like Nelson Mandela and change the world?

Friday, March 24, 2017
Food in Africa
I am researching food in Africa because it is something that I would like to learn about. Also I can learn a lot from African food because it is a lot different than food in America. Food in all parts of Africa are different and some are the same. But if you go to a new part of Africa then you get to try new food and life that is nice if you eat the same kind of thing over and over. Food of North Africa they eat a lot of spices so if you like spicy food that is the place for you. they also use olives and olive oil in a lot of cooking. Most of their food has been influenced by invaders,traders, and migrants. The Arabs also influenced their food choices. On to South and East Africa there food uses a lot of ground maize or corn. If you have meat that symbolizes wealth. Cuisine in East Africa is influenced by Arabs. Indian worker and immigrants also brought their food with them over to Africa. Food in West Africa relies mostly on starchy foods known as carbohydrates. Many parts of Central Africa remained with their traditional foods because they had no influence on their food. They eat starchy staples served with meat, bean or vegetable stew. What kind of food do like that is Africa?
Religion in Africa
Most of the religions in Africa are Christians form about 45%of the population in Africa and Muslims form 50% of the people are Muslims like some the countries that i know of that are Muslim countries are North Sudan,Somalia and Egypt is like half muslims and half Christians are from some other countries and some other countries are Christians According to Dr J Omosade Awolalu, the traditional means indigenous,that which is a foundational handed down from generation to generation.DR J OMOSADE AWOLALU is a Nigerian scholar, educator and writer he is a author for many religious books that are sold in Africa.He was also the department in Nigeria of religious studies.
foods in africa
The food in Africa is really spicy. the most popular food in Africa is Fufu. Fufu is made by root vegetables and a lot of chili peppers. for example all Africans use tropical fruit and vegetables to make food again in Africa there isn't food to microwave they have to just make their own food to survive or maybe even hunt for food to survive. I have a question for you if have to chose to live in Africa or live in the US which one would you live in.
Give water to africans
by Jackson Warner and Colten Roach
In my opinion, zebra hunting is an interesting thing in Africa, and it’s mostly done in South Africa. Zebras are the fourth most popular animal to hunt in Africa. Hunters all around the world, including my next door neighbor, have one or multiple zebra rugs. But If you’re a hunter that hasn’t hunted outside of your state/country yet, like me, zebra hunting will come surprisingly hard to you. Zebra’s have very active hearing and smell, and their eyesight is extraordinary. Zebras are herd animals, so it’s really hard to approach a herd unseen, or undetected. In conclusion zebra hunting can be a challenge, but most people find it fun and work hard towards it.
Cameroonian food
Gari and eru |
Hockey in Africa?
When you think of Africa Elephants,cheetahs,giraffes,hockey wait yes i just said hockey.As a matter of fact there is a rink in Nairobi Africa.The rink is located in Panari hotel.It is located in the base floor of the Hotel along with the state of the arc pool.And there is where the Kenyan ice hockey team is a group of people who play for fun.There leader or captain of the team is Ben Azegere.That is my knowledge on hockey in Africa.Do you know anything about any other odd sports in Africa.
Save the rhinos by Ruben
Did you know that rhinos are being hunted right now. Rhinos are so majestic because there are only five spices in the whole world another cool fact about rhinos is that they can run up to 40 miles 30 miles so why don't you spread the word about saving the, They are so majestic and beautiful animals and they are about to go extinct. Rhinos are the best creatures in the world but if we humans keep on talking there habitat away and they will go extinct and every day around the world we kill three rhinos imagine how many rhinos die every year. So next time when you're walking in a park and you find a rapper on the ground pick it up because we don't know which animal will leave the world.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Visit Tatooine before it's too late.

If you could go would you?
Barnett, Errol, and Aja Harris. "'Star Wars': Visit Tatooine, before it's swallowed by the Sahara." CNN. Cable News Network, 18 Oct. 2013. Web. 23 Mar. 2017. http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/18/travel/star-wars-visit-taooine-sahara/
Ivory Ella Save The Elephants foundation
Elephants need support from people all around the world if they’re to survive in the wild. They are in danger from the terrible ivory poaching crisis that killed 100,000 elephants across Africa in just three years. That is when a group of kids wanted to put a stand to this and save the elephants. Ivory Ella is a group of twenty-something year-old entrepreneurs who decided to make a difference. They have designed merchandise with one thing on their minds: to save elephants. This is where things get extraordinary. Ivory Ella sales went through the roof. Just 4 weeks after launching, co-founder of Ivory Ella presented Save the Elephants with a giant $30,000. Wow! What a difference people can make if we all just think about other things other than our self.
Save the Mountain Gorillas
Mountain Gorillas.One of the world's most fascinating,social creatures on this earth.Unfortunately people in Africa have killed them for many reasons through past years causing them to have only 600 left in the world.In the early 20th century hunters ,and collectors killed or captured the gorillas.Then when the civil war broke out poachers began to kill the gorillas for whatever they wanted whether it was for food or to sell there heads ,and hands to make good money.In addition to them being killed and captured they also had a severe habitat loss.As you can see people didn't pay attention to these beautiful animals fading away.In my opinion killing a gorilla ,or any animal on the endangered species list should have severe consequences ,and should be taken seriously.We as humans need to stick up for the animals who don't have a voice.To help visit Save gorillas.What will you do to save endangered species?
Mountain Gorillas are going extinct

Rhino hunt.
Mr. hopper, I disagree with your opinion for the following reasons. First off, people hunt
Rhinos as you know, and I think it that if they pay a lot of money. They should be able to hunt there. I watched a video talking about this. It said that the money used for protecting the animals, but they should charge more because they are an endangered species. The money used is extremely helpful for people in Africa because they don't have the money to usually protect them, so if we give them money they can use them to make the Rhinos thrive again. This is the video I was talking about before. https://www.youpak.com/watch?v=cQh-f1rBjx4. Anyways, that’s just my opinion. What do you guys think about the Rhino hunt?
vulnerable lions
African lions are now at a decreasing rate they are vulnerable they are coming close to extinction there population is decreasing poachers is the main problem thut then again they are ey hunt for game one of the most beloved lion just walked a bit out of its border and it was killed by a poacher. Lions are one f my animals because they have a family thy do things together but they are independent that is one of my favorite they are fierce and they are still together. to see these lions be extinct would be horrible they are a great species and for them to be gone would be a devastation plus the food chain would go crazy zebras gazelle would grow substantially we would be in a crisis this concerns me i love other animals but this one s in the great 8 a amout of animals considered to be the hardest to hunt so when they get one they sell them but i believe we can change that with more wilderness properties not only will be able to save lions but other animals too.
Rhino Hunt Sold
Rhino Hunt Sold
In Texas there was a permit sold to hunt a black rhinoceros. There are only about 65,000 rhinos left on earth, which may seem like a lot but compared to the roughly seven million humans it’s a pretty minuscule amount. I feel like this will become a normal thing after the hunt is over and with that combined with poaching the rhino population will decrease rapidly. The need to take the permit back. However it might already be too late. What can you do to help?The Endangered African Elephants 😔😔
African elephant the largest land animals on earth. I am doing this blog because these big beautiful animals are interchanged and soon if we don't help these animals they will be extinct.they are endangered because some people illegally kill elephants for their tusk and destruction of their habitat.African elephants live for about 60-70 years but since people our killing the they our not live for as long as the should live for. What do you think you can do to help save these animals?

Save the Lions
The lions are becoming endangered and threatened. There are about 17,000 to 19,000 lions left which used to be over 50,000. I think its pretty sad because do you really need to kill animals that are endangered for their skins and teeth for money.For example the lions are getting their habitat and land destroyed. This situation is the same for Australia. Also land being taken away isn't the only thing that is being taken away. Further more their prey is being killed to like hyenas and is starving them and water is being used for irrigation. So I think its pretty sad that people kill the lions for quick money.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Black Rhinos
In Africa there is an endangered species called the black rhino. About five to six rhinos are killed per day and they are critically endangered. They weigh about 2 tons, they also live up to 35 to 50 years. they can run about 34 miles an hour they were mostly killed in the 1970's. There are currently 2,500 left in the world that is not very many.
african candy
A popular candy in Africa is chocolate western African countries mostly supply 70% of the world's cocoa.The most chocolate bar people eat in Africa is lindt & sprungli it comes in many different flavors like mint, chill paper, and sea salt.chocolate comes form a coco tree and they and coco beans ,coco butter , none fat coco powder, sugar, lecithin, Africa has a growing coco business and has many factors through out regen.
Archery in Africa
Four African counties, Egypt, Zimbabwae, Kenya, Ivory Coast made it into the 2016 Rio Olympics. In fact this was the first time Zimbabwae and Kenya have qualified for 28 and 16 years. This shows that archery has been improving in the African continent. Efforts have been made in the past 10 years to make the sport more avalable and easier to afford. Thanks to the National Olympic Committe, training camps have been made possible in countries like Nambia. Furthermore, social media has also positively impacted archery by raising awarness for the growing sport. Click here to learn more about the sport. Can you find more information about developing sports in Africa?

Save The Rhinos

The black rhino has not had it easy, black rhinos are an endangered species that live in Parts of Africa. Rhinos have been here on earth for 50,million years and have a lifespan of 50 years.
Black rhinos are close to being extinct mainly because of humans and man made issues, recently In Africa a permit was sold for $350,000 even though the black rhino is a protected species in addition to this black rhinos have also become critically endangered because of a now high demand for rhino horn. In 1970 there were an estimated 65,000 black rhinos that could be found in sub
Saharan Africa which is an unfortunately small number for a species that has been around for so long, and it only gets worst similarly in the 1970s 90 percent of black rhinos where killed. Now in places such as Zimbabwe,South Africa,Kenya,Namibia, and Tanzania black rhinos are difficult to find, but its not to late to save them for example potter park zoo is now the second zoo to home a black rhino. You can help save the black rhino by donating at this website https://www.savetherhino.org/. Will you help save the black rhinos?
The Facts About The Lions In Africa
Lions consume about a wide amount of prey. They will consume wildebeest, impala, zebra, giraffe, buffalo, and wild hogs sometimes rhinos and hippos. There population has been reduced in half from the past years. There population now is 21,000 of Africa. Most of all lions in Africa live in South Sahara desert part in Eastern Africa. Both female and male lions roar, and they can be heard 5 miles away from any where. I think these lions sound cool well besides not getting attacked by them but everything else seems very cool about them.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Rare life for money
Permit's were sold to kill black rhino's in January. To raise money to protect them, but there are two problems with that one only one out of five permits sold go to protecting them two letting people kill the one animal you're trying to protect to save it. People need to use their heads and think about the more that die the less that can breed which means less will be born. All your doing is making their chance of surviving further and further down until they at 0% (extinct). After they are all dead then what are you going to do. I think killing endangered animals is bad enough bad making it legal is just wrong, and what makes it even worse is people are getting money for making legal. This is the article
Horses in Africa
The Namib Desert Horse is a rare feral' which means wild 'horse found in the Nambia desert of Namib, Africa. It is probably the only feral herd of horses residing in Africa, with a population ranging between 90 and 150. The Namib Desert Horse is athletic in appearance, resembling the European light riding horses from which it probably descends'just like science this means from ancestors or parents traits' and usually dark in color. Despite the harsh environment in which they live, the horses are usually in good condition, except during times of extreme drought.'which means food and water disappear and or die of this is caused by warm weather' The horses have been the subject of several population studies, which have given significant insight into their population dynamics'studies the size and age composition of population as dynamical systems, and the biological and environmental processes driving them such as birth and death rates, and by immigration and emigration' and ability to survive in desert conditions. Although there are no horses native to Africa these horses were imported there to be studied to see how they would survive in places like Africa and now they are breeding and are very successful in life.
Hope of no more extinction
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Blog Episode IV: A New Hope
So it's time now to jog on over to Africa. From the Middle East it will be pretty simple; just zip on through the Gaza Strip and we will arrive in Egypt in time to watch the sun set over the non-existent nose of the Sphinx. Before going though, it is always nice to know a little about where you are headed. I will say that I try to pay attention to the news as much as I can, but I am especially interested in stories that concern the region we are or will soon be studying. That is why this story about the Rhino hunt grabbed my attention. I do understand that the auction raised a ton of money that is slated to be used for protection and conservation of the remaining rhinos, but c'mon, really? There are so few of these magnificent beasts alive today. To me, shooting even one is a serious crime upon our collective conscience. But that's just my opinion. And it only covers one particular story. The great continent of Africa is home to so many of the world's amazing creatures, people and stories. Like the Mountain Gorilla (Just how freaked would you be between the seven and eight-minute mark??). It will be terrible when none remain. Or the recent passing of Nelson Mandela. What a great man! Heck, even a 13 year old from Kenya can make world headlines and earn himself a college scholarship. Help us all to peak our interests in this next adventure.
Your task? Simple. Learn more about any of these stories I have shared with you and give us your take. OR BETTER YET, search the web for a different story from Africa that is interesting to you, and share it with all of us here in a clever way.
Grading rules are as follows:Titled, Spelling-Error-Free POSTS must show that you have researched and found something interesting about Africa (5 points) and of course...must contain 75+ words and a hyperlink and/or video (2 points) and end with a question (1 point). But wait...THAT ONLY ADDS UP TO 8 POINTS!!! What else do you need to do to get that elusive 10/10? Transition! There is a post in Google Classroom of a list of transition words and/or phrases. Insert a minimum of TWO TRANSITIONS to make your writing more, shall we say...enjoyable to read? Please underline your two transitions to show me that you know how to use them.
Spelling-Error-Free COMMENTS must be the first or second comment made to a post and 50+ words of course (5 points), and once again should clearly show that you have looked up information from the post and added it as part of your response (5 points).
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