Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Blog Post II: The Cassandra Effect

Y'all did an excellent job listening to the Podcast! It takes skill to be able to focus on the spoken word and to take useful notes at the same time. And speaking of those notes, you will need those now for this next blogging assignment. The Hidden Brain Podcast about The Cassandra Curse was all about why we sometimes do not heed dire warnings about upcoming catastrophes. From the lessons of the stinky tunnel to the Greek tales of Cassandra, and of course the difficulties of getting people to listen to the truth. 
Image result for the far side comic global warming
Your challenge here is to write a post about the lesson you learned from this episode. How might you try to convince someone else to listen to what you know to be true view when they already seem to be in disagreement with you? Or what, maybe, should we do to convince those in power that action needs to be taken? Or how might your thoughts today be different if you had a chance to visit the Alaskan tunnel spoken of in the podcast? Do your best!


  1. Must have a catchy, relevant title.  
  2. Must be 75+ words in length. 
  3. Must be free of any spelling errors. (Word choice errors are not spelling errors. For example; there/their/they’re, choose/chose, loose/lose, to/too/two, etc…) 
  4. Must end with an interesting exit strategy. (A question or challenge to the reader) 
  1. Must be 50+ words in length. 
  2. Must follow the same spelling guidelines as posts. 
  3. Must address something specific the writer has said and *must add something new to the post (see below) 
  4. Must also end with an intriguing question for the writer. 

Two additional rules: 

You must be the 1st or 2nd person to comment on a writer’s post. If there are already two comments, choose another student’s post. 

Writers should (not must) respond briefly to all comments. 

THE GOLDEN BLOGGING RULE: No Negative Comments. Ever. Politely disagreeing and giving an example of why you might disagree is certainly ok. Respond to posts the way you would want others to respond to your posts.

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