Friday, November 16, 2018

Cassandra Curse

 When the scientists,(I forgot their names) were warning people about the permafrost melting nobody believed them. They tried to warn people who didn’t listen like when Cassandra, a person who could see into the future, but nobody would believe what she had to say. When the Greeks used the Trojan Horse Trick to get through the city of Troy,Cassandra knew as soon as they received the huge wooden horse it was bad. Nobody believed her and they decided to bring it inside the walls protecting the city. They brought the big wooden horse in, and the Greek men jumped out and attacked. Cassandra knew, but nobody would believe her because she did not have enough evidence or proof of anything. The scientists who are warning us about global warming are screaming at us! Most people probably don’t believe them because they probably don’t have enough evidence. This teaches a valuable lesson, it teaches that if you need to get an important point across you need evidence and proof.

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