Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Wonders of the Cassandra Curse

    Have you ever heard about the Cassandra Curse? Well if you have then then this will make things more clear for you but, if you haven't then this is your chance to learn the challenges that the Cassandra Curse provides.
     First I'll start off with just what the Cassandra Curse is and who Cassandra is... Cassandra is a Trojan prophet thats profecias are never believed even after they come true.  Now that I said that it should be easy to understand what the Cassandra curse is. But, I will say it anyway, the Cassandra Curse is profetes that are not believed despite their warnings. This is a big challenge for the actual profets because none of the people believe them no matter how hard they try. my question for you is "what would you do if no one believed you when you warned them of danger?"

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