Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The cassandra effect (this is interesting)

        I think the cassandra effect was very interesting because it shows how someone who new the future and what was going to happen was not being heard.  I think what I learned from that podcast was people need to be heard more in life so we don't have more disasters in life. The situation on the challenger was someone said the ring might fail. The people didn't listen to him because they had an option where they look at the problem and not show the challenger going to space, or, they take a risk to take the challenger to space and a disaster happened. If I wanted to try and convince someone that something bad was going to happen, I would need evidence. I think it was hard to convince the people that the challenger was going to fail because they were already live on tv. I think it would be difficult to convince someone in an amazing event that is going to happen if they already notified people they were going to. This might not make a lot of sense. sorry. I think just saying that something bad was going to happen to a group of people. you would need to know what is going to happen and have evidence to support the situation. The people in the trojan horse event are like, nope we're not going to listen to you because a lot of other people think that is not the situation of what is happening. I think some people depend on other people to decide if someone is telling the truth or not if someone thinks something bad is going to happen. Also, other people might think that it is a groups choice of making their own decision maybe because of how many more people decide on something more and they just don't want to be in a group of less people deciding on a situation.They should be able to think for themselves on what they think is happening. This is a long paragraph but, what do you think you would do to convince people you are telling the truth?

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