Thursday, November 15, 2018


Cassandra’s Curse… No one would listen to her, but why? Andrew has the answer! You can’t just go around to people saying something bad is going to happen. You need proof, you need to convince them. One way of doing this is your connections with other people. For example, ties with important people like the president or celebrities will get you some points. Or better yet, if you are a celebrity! People will listen to others who are well educated, have personal ties and others’ trust, and who make legitimate sense. Andrew did all of these by providing proof which shows he is well educated. Using his ties with the government to convince other people as a way of showing his personal ties. And finally, by making sense in his way of showing the future or predicting what will happen. Unlike Cassandra, Andrew spoke in a language that people can understand; politics, English, and pictures. He used the present to predict the future instead of being ahead of everyone and just saying things like Cassandra. These are all ways to convince and show people what is happening. Don’t be Cassandra. She’s too confusing! If you’re logical, you’ll know what to do! Now all you need to do is ask yourself, am I Andrew or Cassandra?
Image result for confusing

This is Cassandra...          It's too confusing!!!