Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Cassandra Curse!!! (dun Dun DUN) oh and the Alaskan tunnel

   I learned that the ice preserving all of the dead things is starting to melt releasing gasses heating the earth and causing more melting. 

   I would convince people by showing photographic and video graphic evidence, get pictures before the predicted accident, record my prediction (with others around) and then get a picture after to show my prediction was correct, i would show it to everyone and tell them to listen because I know what is going to happen.

   to convince those in power I would get picture of what's happening to the earth and everything over time and show them the world is getting to hot and dying. and if this doesn't stop we will make this earth to hot and we will all die.

   first i probably wouldn't be able to get the smell out of my nose, also i would worry because i would constantly think of how everything is causing melting and i would try to prevent it as much as possible.

don't make us die, make a difference!

1 comment:

  1. lol. I really liked your last sentence, don't take this rudely, but it sounds like trump. hhahhahahah

    I like how you showed how you would prove your point. Many people don't do that, they just make their statement. Although, how would you get a "good picture of the world". That probably takes some time and a Lot of work. The world could be dead by then! You would have to be very pursuasive and try not to disagree with the people too strongly.

    it was written very nicely, my question for you is, if you worked in the alaskan tunnels, how would you feel about the global warming.
